<br /> . !/
<br /> If the council wishes to expedite matters or to auditor agrees to accept a late assessment for
<br /> provide better estimates of cost at the fi rst hearing, collection the following year, an agreement t~J
<br /> it may, in addition to the required preliminary auditor is permitted but not required to make,
<br /> , report, have complete plans and specifications
<br /> prepared, advertise for bids, and open and tabulate Provisions for Payment of Assessments
<br /> them before the hearing is held,
<br /> Once these special assessment rolls have been
<br /> - An improvement on two or more streets or prepared by the clerk and approved by the council,
<br /> - different improvements on the same or different property owners have the option of either paying
<br /> streets, may be combined into one proceeding. the total amount of their assessment immediately
<br /> For example, sidewalk, water, sewer and curb and or of paying it in ann~~ installments upon the
<br /> gutter projects anywhere in the municipality may ~8 terms set by the council.
<br /> combined in one proceeding if this seems desirable,
<br /> If the property owner pays the entire amount of
<br /> When step No, 7 above is carried out, the the assessment within 30 days after the assessment
<br /> council must divide the improvement cost between rolls' adoption by the council, he may not be
<br /> the cityas a whole and the benefit district. Only. charged any interest on the amount of his assess-
<br /> after this has' been done can the district's share ment.25 If he pays the entire amount at any time
<br /> of the cost be apportioned in proportion to the after 30 days but before any certification to the
<br /> estimated special benefits received by individual county auditor, he need pay only the amount of
<br /> properties, A further discussion of this is con- interest accrued as of the date of payment, At any
<br /> tained in the last section of this chapter, time after the certification, the property owner
<br /> may still pay the entire amount remaining unpaid
<br /> Levying and Collecting Assessments to the county treasurer. In this case, however, hemust
<br /> pay all interest which would have accrued to Decem-
<br /> Preparation and Certification of Assessment Rolls ber 31 of the year in which the payment is made,
<br /> Assessment rolls are lists prepared for each If the property owner elects not to pay the \
<br /> assessment project, They should contain a descrip. entire amount of his assessment at once, he may
<br /> . tion of each parcel of property, the name of the pay it in annual installments spread over the
<br /> property owner, and the amount of the assessment, number of years allowed by the council. Since
<br /> . A separate assessment roll should be prepared by such postponement of payment obviously neces-
<br /> the clerk for each improvement project prior to the sitates city borrowing to pay for the improvement,
<br /> hearing on the assessment (see step No, 7 above.) an interest charge must be added to each year's
<br /> After the hearing, the roll must be officially assessment payment, The rate of interest, wh ich
<br /> adopted by a council resolution a~~ then certified must be designated in the councils' resolution, is
<br /> to the cou nty auditor by the clerk, limited by state law. For improvements financed
<br /> out of the city's general funds the maximum
<br /> Two alternative methods may be used in certify- interest rate on assessments is 8%, If bonds have
<br /> ing assessments to the auditor, In the first method, been issued to finance the improvement, the
<br /> which is used unless the council directs the clerk to special assessments may bear interest not exceed ing
<br /> do otherwise, a duplicate copy of the assessment the greater of either the maximum interest rate
<br /> roll, certified by the clerk, is sent to the county which the city may pay on the bonds for the
<br /> auditor who is then responsible for spreading the month in which the resolution authorizing the
<br /> assessment against the properties concerned in the special assessment was adopted or the maximum
<br /> year in which each installment is to be paid, This allowable under the law or city ch~er pursuant to
<br /> eliminates an annual computation by the clerk and which the assessments were levied, Thus, when a
<br /> avoids errors in later years, If the council prefers, city adopts a special assessment roll for improve-
<br /> however, it may direct the clerk to file all the ments funded through a bond issue, it will general-
<br /> special assessment rolls in the clerk's office and to Iy have to check what the maximum interest rate
<br /> certify annually to the county auditor only the on the bonds could have been, This figure is
<br /> total amount of principal and interest due on available from the state commissioner of finance,
<br /> special assessments from 2,ch parcel of property The League will also have the interest rate figure
<br /> during the following year. available, The council should set the rate at some
<br /> figure greater than the interest being paid on
<br /> . All assessments must be certified to the county the special assessment bonds, but not so much
<br /> auditor on or before October 10 if the aud itor is to greater that substantial revenue will be derived,
<br /> spread the first installment on the books for
<br /> . collection in the following year. The due date for The council may authorize by ordinance partial
<br /> the first installment of assessments submitted after prepayment of assessments prior to certification to
<br /> October 10 must be deferred one year unless the the county auditor,
<br /> - 409. 1983
<br />