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<br /> . <br /> . PROPOSED STREET CONSTRUCTION . <br /> On all of theae projects, it 111 anticipated that tha ruture road oonstruction <br /> will be in the oenter of the r1&ht-of-way. It 18 alao usUQed tha t the <br /> oonstruction in all but one caae would be of a etandard 7 tpn design, 32 feet <br /> wide of a residential nature. Concrete curb and gutter would be placed on both <br /> aides of the roadway, and miace11aneous appurtenances or drainage ~dif1eations <br /> would be conatructed as part of the overall project. The elevations of the <br /> etreet would be kept quite close to thoae which already ulat, and the grades <br /> would be very c10ae to the exiat1DB gradea. <br /> The yards would generally match the roadway aDd aod an~ seedirlg plaCed according <br /> to the type of growtb that existed prior to construction. Similarly, driveways <br /> would be reconstructed from the edge of the nllV roadway to approximately the <br /> r1&ht-<>f-way line as part of the project. This construction would be done in <br /> either aaphalt or concrete depend1DB on whicb ..teria1 'existed 'previous to tbe <br /> project beginning. Those driveways whicb are DOt in conformance witb city <br /> .tendards either in regard to 10caUon, eize, or _terial would be brougbt into <br /> conformance wherever possible. Th1ll would occur by working with the property <br /> owner involved, although in some cases the property owner would have to pay for <br /> paving a previously gravel driveway. <br /> The Mnitary aewer, watermain, and ator'lll drain facilities would be checked and, <br /> if necessary, reconstructed at the saae tiDe the roadway ia undergoiQg its <br /> . oonstruction. These repair ooste, bowever, would not be a part of the <br /> usessab1e project. Miscel1eneoua catch baain reconstruction and/or adjustment <br /> would be done at the aue time tbe work vas occurring on the road and would be <br /> considered incidental to the overall project. <br /> Although the above comments are generally correct, the-following comments will <br /> relate the aspects of eacb project which are aomewhat ditferent than the nor'lll <br /> or relate specifically to that project. <br /> 1 <br /> PROJECT P-86-28, GLENHILL ROAD . 83,000 . <br /> This project would eitber bave to be constructed in conjuoction with the <br /> City of !rden Hills and the costs generally split, or the oity would bave <br /> ;1 to build only tbe aouth half of the roadway leaving tbe north aide <br /> uncompleted and tbe responsibility of the City of Arden Bills. tbis <br /> latter alternative is undea1f'ab1e and would ooly be reoolllllleDded if it <br /> appears that it would be i~saib1e to gat the cooourrence of the City of <br /> Arden Bills to resolve this queatlon in the Dear ruture. <br /> Catch basins ehould be reconlltructed on the SlIelling benue Frontage !load <br /> end and new catch buins constructed OD the Bam1ine Avenue end of the <br /> project. Modifications to tbe ex18ting open drainage ditcb to tbe Dortb <br /> ahou1d be _de at the .&IIle tiDe the road 18 done. ,lll driveways appear to <br /> be in conformance, and no trellll would have ,to be rnoved. <br /> . <br />