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<br />. GLENVIEW AVE; Council was referred to letter from Barry Peters of SEH <br /> STORM SEWER (3-26-87) re: the flooding problem on G1enview Avenue <br /> and G1enview Court. <br /> Barry Peters reviewed the history of the drainage problems and previous <br /> attempts to alleviate the problem. Peters summarized his recommendations for <br />. correcting the drainage problem: <br /> l. Replacing the 18" CMP outlet with a larger capacity concrete pipe and <br /> installing high capacity catch basins at the low point on Glenview Ave. <br /> and the two catch basins southwest of G1enview Court. <br />""U1lS 2. Constructing a bermed drainage swa1e, behind the curb, and extend from <br />CO"'.'" 1<<7 the swale from the low point to the property line then east along the <br />"". 2/00 - north property line to Valentine Park. <br /> 3. Construct a small berm in front of 3946 G1enview to reduce the potential <br /> for water jumping curb and draining across the Caniff's property. <br /> The estimated cost of the recommended system, including engineering, legal and <br /> administrative costs is $23,000.00. <br /> Council discussed various methods of funding for the project or if the project <br /> could be included as part of the Edgewater Estates development. <br /> The Engineer stated he would contact the developer for the Edgewater project to <br /> determine if Glenview Avenue could be done in conjunction with Edgewater and to <br /> receive a cost estimate. <br /> The Public Works Supervisor advised he would review the 1987 budget to <br /> determine if funds are available for the project. <br /> There was discussion regarding catch basin and pipe design, and potential water <br />. damage to park property. Barry Peters gave rationale for size of pipe and <br /> catch basin design; also explained that the catch basin apron at Valentine Park <br /> would include rock for water distribution. <br /> Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting, March 30,1987 <br /> Page 3 <br /> STORM SEWER Hicks moved, seconded by Hansen, that Council direct the <br /> (CONT'D) Engineer to contact C.W.Houle, contractor for the <br /> Edgewater Estates project, and obtain a firm cost <br /> estimate for installation of the proposed storm sewer system on Glenview Avenue <br /> in conjunction with the Edgewater Estates project; and further, that the Public <br /> Works Supervisor determine if funding is available in the 1987 budget. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. (5-0) <br />