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<br /> ~ <br /> .' <br /> . <br /> AGREEMENT FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF GLENHILL ROAD <br />e FROM SNELLING FRONTAGE ROAD TO HAMLINE AVENUE <br /> Rosevi11e City Project No. P-ST-86-28 <br /> Arden Hills City Project No. P-ST-87-01 <br /> This agreement by and between the City of Roseville, Minnesota, a municipal <br /> corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Rosevi1le", and the City of Arden <br /> Hills, Minnesota, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Arden <br /> Hills" witness: <br /> WHEREAS, it is considered mutually desirable to reconstruct Glenhill Road from <br /> Snelling Frontage Road to Hamline Avenue; and <br /> WHEREAS, a portion of this roadway lies within each of the two municipal <br /> jurisdictions of Rosevi1le and Arden Hills; and <br /> WHEREAS, the cities of Rosevi1le and Arden Hills will participate in the cost <br /> of said improvement as herein set forth; and <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED AS FOLLOWS: <br /> 1- Rosevi1le shall perform the necessary surveys, prepare the necessary <br /> plans, specifications, and proposals, and shall perform the <br /> engineering inspection and administration of the project required to <br /> e complete the items of work. <br /> 2. The advertising for the project and receipt and award of the bids <br /> shall be done by the City of Rosevil1e in behalf of both cities. Said <br /> receipt of bid is currently programmed to OCcur on April 7, 1987. The <br /> City of Roseville shall review said bids for conformance to <br /> specifications and act to award the contract to the lowest, qualified <br /> bidder in behalf of both communities. <br /> 3. The contract cost resulting from the above bidding process shall be <br /> based on the units of work performed in accordance with said contract, <br /> shall constitute the actual "Construction Cost" and shall be so <br /> referred to here and after. <br /> 4. Roseville, with its own forces and equipment, shall administer the <br /> project and review and make payments on a reasonable and timely basis <br /> to the contractor as portions of the "Construction Cost" are <br /> accomplished. After the work is completed, Rosevi1le will prepare a <br /> mylar as-built of the project and supply a copy to the City of Arden <br /> Hills. <br /> 5. Based on the feasibility study, the total cost of both the engineering <br /> items listed above and the "Construction Cost" are approximately <br /> $82,000. If the bids when received indicate that the total cost of <br /> the project would exceed this amount by more than 20%, the project <br /> . would not be approved by the City of Rosevi1le in behalf of both <br /> communities until the matter is returned to the City of Arden Hills <br /> whereby they would be given the opportunity to indicate whether they <br /> wish to terminate the project. Such a decision must be given in <br /> writing to Rosevil1e within a 30 day period of notification of the <br />I bids. <br />I <br />I ~_, .____~.__ _'.U"'"'.__.___.'..'____ ----..- <br /> -- --~---.'--.m_._....._........~___o_,,___.__~____.._~,~._..-'--...~-..---~--_.~,..,.--~_._c_~_____ <br />