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<br /> .. <br /> . ~. <br /> proqca..m Su.I:::J::;;dry " <br /> Pdq... 2 <br /> . <br /> . 4.- The property cdnllOt contdln lIIOre thdn two dwellIng unl ts. <br /> 5_ The 5rrucrure,. upon completlon of necessdIY Improvements, <br /> .,111 be rea.sonablv llvdble, sflfe,. hdbltdble, dnd energy <br /> effIcIent for the term of the lo.an_ <br /> UI. Improvement E1IqlbI1Itv <br /> The RehabILItatIon Loan Program Is desIgned to provIde funds for <br /> basIc Improvements to awJce d dHel~lng lIIOre siUe, habI tdble, or <br /> energv effIcient. The DeE>d for such Il/lProvements Is determIned <br /> by dn Inspectlon performed. bV the 'stdf of an AdmInIsterIng <br /> Entll:y. The cost of the necessdIY ll/lProvements cannot exceed <br /> $7,500. <br /> A specIal AccessIbIlIty Fund. is available to use for <br /> . <br /> ll/lProvelllents necessary to enable a dIsdbled person to functIon <br /> in a resIdence. The DeE>d for such Il/lProvements Is determlned bV <br /> an inspectIon performed. by the stiUf of an AdIIIlnIns te rIng <br /> Entlty, consIderatIon of the dIsdbled personfs pc10rlty needs <br /> and consul tat Ion .,Ith the ho/Ilec:lM'Ie r and K1fl'A_ The cost of <br /> accessIbIlity Il/lProvea;onts cannot exceed $10,000. <br /> All Il/lProve_nts lllI.l.St be permanent Improvements. BxMr1ples IlldY <br /> . Include repair or replacement of furnaces, roofs, electrIcal and <br /> plUlllbing systems. InsulatIon, and construction of ramps for <br /> accessIbilIty. <br /> IV. AdIIIlnIstratlve Procedures <br /> Based 011 an i'fHFA-determlned allocatioll plan, ocganizatlons .,111 <br /> be re-quested to apply to adlItlnlster the program. An amount not <br /> exceedIng 14:; of an entity':s allocatlon IlldY be deducted from the <br /> allocatIon for adlItlnIstratlve expen:ses. <br /> . <br /> The AdmInI:sterlng Entity Is responsIble for determlnlng the <br /> edJusced IDCOIZE' ~ 4S5et$, and fOeCeSSdrIJ Improvements for each <br /> .applIcant. <br /> /#if Cer each loan P4CQqe 1:s a:ssembled. the AdIIIlnlsterInq EntI ty <br /> .,111 sublll1t the P4C~ to K1fl'A for revI....... Upon .approval. KIf FA <br /> tdll notlLy the AdIIIln1:sterIng Bntlty of approval and slJl>pllJ the <br /> docUlllents necessdClJ to close the !"he AdmInIsterIng Ilntity <br /> Ifill close the loan~ reeord the RRpayment Agreement and <br /> tfortgage; lIIOnl Cor the rehab11ltatlolI orork; certIfy, along .,1 ch <br /> the borJXJtlN'e r , that the work Is cot1ZPleted satlsfac torI ly and <br /> au.thorlze contractor payment. <br /> . <br />