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<br />'-Abc IIcl-2~; SUP Council was referred to Planner'. report, '-26-'7, and <br />'. ."... ANTENNA, 1541 Plannina Coaai..ion Hinute., 9-2-87. relative to the <br />--- " - '- EIlGEl/ATER. KA/lNJ(E Special U.. Pemit appUcation for. helio Alltenn.a at <br />... 1541 Id.awater Avenue. Jo.eph Iabnke. <br /> <br />Planner Hiller explained the applicant i. proPo.ina to tftatall an ...teur radio <br />antenna in the rear yard of hi. 3S ft. in beiaht, 2 1ncbaa in di...ter, <br />. doe. not require auy wire., and ViII be located approx~tely 3S ft. fro. hi.' <br />h_ and fro. uch aide lot Una. The tower w111 be apprOxiMtaly 60 ft. fro. <br />the rur lot line and, in cue of vill4lall, it would clear the bouse and <br />adjacent propertie.. Hiller di.cua.ed the ...thetic. of the tower and notad <br />that the tower will be viaible fr_ adjacent properti.. and reaiclent. &eroa. <br />the atreat, however. becauae of the .cale of thb entenna, it VCNld bave no <br />, <br />Irutar t.pact than . reaular TV antaMa or .. fuapole. <br /> <br />Hiller advhed that the Pl_ina c-iaaion bad rae, ftdad approval and .... <br />reviewed the conditiona atipuutacl. . <br /> <br />Jo.eph lahnIte, lS~lewater, wu prUAnt to anaver .y quuUOIUI. <br /> <br />Council que.tioned if there would be additional apparatu. on the antenna. <br /> <br />Xahnka explained that he wa. not certain at thia tiMl it vould e1apend 011 <br />reception, lie C~ted that if utenaiona vere to be a later elate, <br />they would be a rox1lolataly 14 fNt vertically, with roda ....ur1na 1 1Dch ill <br />diameter. <br /> <br />Winiecki ..ked if a 14 ft. .pan VCNld lle the larae.t the antenn.a would IUpport. <br /> <br />lahnke .tated thet vaa Corract. <br /> <br />Council diacus.ed vhether or- not the antenna would interfere with radio or <br />televi.ion reception in the area. <br /> <br />4It Winiecki commented it vaa clearly pointed out at the Plannina to.Di.aion ' <br />maetina that the low level tran..i.aion doe. not interfere vith either radio <br />or television reception. Planner Hillel' adviaed be ba. bad di.cua.ions vith <br />experts vho stated if appropriate equipment 1& lUIed tbat abould Qat be a <br />prob18llll ba 1& not aware of any c'-Platnta .iven thoae currently operatill. ill <br />the Cit.y. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />r kI<I~ t!/tScussi':J TIr.~ ,.u;/';/j'fr of till h~""~{J"TQllr <br />d)~r6.s~~ tlfn"r,y c of e/e",,"fs. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. <br />