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The parcel is zoned NB, Neighborhood Business District and is guided in the 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan towards Neighborhood Business. The following are the purpose statements <br />identified in the zoning code for the NB Zoning District: <br />A. To be located at the edge of residential neighborhoods. <br />B. To provide a limited range of over-the-counter, convenience, retail, and service uses to <br />accommodate the needs of the adjacent residents. <br />C. To place limitations on the type, size and intensity of uses within this district, given its proximity <br />to residential uses. <br />D. To place emphasis on convenience for pedestrian, bicycle, and public transportation access to the <br />use. <br />E. To accommodate, where possible, a public commons giving residents a place to gather and <br />interact with one another. <br />F. To ensure adequate buffering is provided on these sites for the adjacent residential uses. <br />G. To require, where applicable, compliance with the City's gateway requirements. <br />The NB guiding language in the comprehensive plan states "neighborhood business designates <br />small, isolated areas for neighborhood commercial land uses when they are compatible with surrounding <br />residential uses. Commercial uses that are high traffic generators, noise generators, or otherwise not <br />compatible with residential neighborhoods, are inappropriate. Typically, Neighborhood Business areas <br />will be located on intersections or nodes that are on the edge of residential areas, are less desirable sites <br />for housing, or have traditionally been occupied with neighborhood services. Dwelling units of three (3) <br />to nine (9) units per acre may be permitted. The expected share of uses within this area are as follows: <br />0% to 100% Retail; 0% to 100% Office; and 0% to 50% Residential. A development intensity of up to 0.7 <br />FAR may be allowed." <br />For the work session discussion, North Shore Development Partners has submitted a preliminary <br />concept sketch plan with a rendering and floor plan of a possible residential townhome <br />development on this parcel (Attachment B). They are seeking City Council feedback on interest <br />to sell this parcel. If the Council is interested in moving forward with this discussion, city staff <br />would schedule a second discussion for a future work session and include as part of that memo a <br />full history of the parcel as well as the next steps for sale of city owned land. <br />Next Steps <br />Staff is looking for Council direction as to whether or not there is interest in selling the city <br />owned parcel at 1450 Highway 96. Should Council want to consider selling the site, it may <br />chose to deal directly with any party or open up the site to offers from all interested parties. <br />Budget Impact <br />N/A <br />Attachments <br />A. Property Location Map <br />B. Requestor Narrative <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />