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with this Agreement, and other compliance with the City Code. <br />6. Insurance. Owners are required to maintain a general liability insurance policy <br />which provides coverage for damage to others or injury to persons for their property the <br />Encroachment Area. Such coverage shall be on an as occurrence basis and, if reasonably available, <br />as part of a standard homeowner's policy. Without substantial additional cost, shall include <br />contractual liability coverage with respect to the indemnity obligation in Section 6 of this <br />Agreement. Such policy shall contain a clause which provides the insurer will not change, non - <br />renew, or materially change the policy without first providing the City thirty (30) days prior written <br />notice. Owners shall provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance for such coverage upon City <br />request. <br />7. Hold Harmless and Indemnity. In consideration of being allowed to encroach on <br />the City Property, Owners, for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns, hereby agree to <br />indemnify and hold the City, its officials, employees, contractors, agents, and volunteers harmless <br />from any and all claims, damages, losses, costs, and/or expenses, arising from, based on, related to, <br />or caused by, in whole or in part, the Encroachment. <br />8. Waiver of Claims. Owners knowingly and voluntarily waive and release any and <br />all claims against the City arising from, based on, or related to Owners being permitted to maintain <br />the Encroachment on the City Property. <br />9. Termination of Agreement. The City may, at its sole discretion, terminate this <br />Agreement at any time by giving Owners, or any successor in interest, thirty (30) days advance <br />written notice of termination. In the event of an emergency condition, as determined solely by the <br />City, the City may terminate the Agreement without notice and with immediate effect. <br />A. Removal of Encroachment. Except as provided in paragraph 9.B. of this Agreement, <br />upon the effective date of termination of this Agreement, Owners or their successor in <br />interest shall remove the Encroachment and restore the Encroachment Area to a <br />condition consistent with the condition of the surrounding City Property. If Owners or <br />their successor in interest fail to timely perform such removal and restoration, the City <br />may remove the Encroachment and charge the cost of removal back to Owners for <br />reimbursement. <br />B. Retention of Encroachment. At its sole discretion, the City may choose to allow the <br />Plantings to remain in the Encroachment Area following termination. If the City so <br />chooses, the notice of termination shall inform Owners of the City's choice. Upon <br />termination with retention of the Plantings in the Encroachment Area, the Plantings shall <br />become the property of the City, o cost to the City. The City shall assume all <br />responsibility for the ongoing mainttTidnce of the Plantings. <br />10. Recording. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be recorded against the <br />title to the Subject Property. At the time that this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 9 of <br />this Agreement, the City shall execute and record a release of the Agreement. <br />3 <br />2281030 <br />