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This is an opportunity for citizens to respectfully bring to the Council's attention any <br />items which are relevant to the City. In addressing the Council, you must first state <br />your name and address for the record. Comments shall be limited to three (3) minutes <br />or less. Written documents or other materials should be handed to the City Clerk for <br />distribution to the Council prior to or during the meeting. Council will generally not <br />respond at the same meeting where an issue is initially raised by a member of the <br />public but the Council may refer the issue to staff for further research and possible <br />report or action at a future Council meeting. <br />4. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC INQUIRIES <br />5. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS <br />6. STAFF COMMENTS <br />7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />7.A. December 18, 2023 City Council Work Session <br />Documents: <br />12-18-23-WS.PDF <br />7.B. December 18, 2023 Special City Council <br />Documents: <br />12-18-23-SR.PDF <br />7.C. January 3, 2024 Special Work Session <br />Documents: <br />01-03-24-SWS.PDF <br />7.D. January 8, 2024 Special Work Session <br />Documents: <br />01-08-24-SWS.PDF <br />7.E. January 8, 2024 Regular City Council <br />Documents: <br />01-08-24-R.PDF <br />8. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Those items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine by the <br />