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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 8, 2024 3 <br />Councilmember Fabel stated the traffic study that was completed by the County Engineer was a <br />revision on the previous studies that had been done, taking into consideration the <br />recommendations the Council would be considering this evening, which would rezone the <br />commercial/office space on the southern corner into residential. He indicated the conclusion from <br />the traffic study was that the proposed zoning change would reduce the total number of trips that <br />occur in the area by 3% meaning there will be less traffic on Highway 96. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if a consultant completed the traffic study. She stated it was her <br />understanding the County had intersections that currently had a rating of D and F. <br />City Administrator Perrault explained this was mostly correct noting the County Engineer <br />presented the information from the traffic study. He reported the traffic study was completed by <br />an outside consultant. He noted the F intersection grades were not for the intersections overall <br />score, but rather would be for a specific movement or turn within the intersection. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned how long the County has had the data from the traffic study. <br />City Administrator Perrault explained he was uncertain. He reported it was his understanding <br />all data had been collected but the traffic study was still not finalized. <br />Mayor Grant indicated the traffic study was proposing to change half of the spine road from two <br />lanes in each direction to one lane in each direction. <br />City Administrator Perrault stated this was being contemplated based on the initial findings <br />within the traffic study. <br />Mayor Grant questioned if the same amount of right-of-way would be maintained, should the <br />spine road need expansion in the future. <br />City Administrator Perrault reported the footprint should remain the same for the spine road. <br />3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL <br />Donna Wiemann, 1406 Arden View Drive, encouraged all Arden Hills residents to watch the <br />January 3 Planning Commission meeting. She urged all residents to listen to the resignation <br />speech made by the Planning Commission Chair. She noted he was a long-standing, smart <br />volunteer. She explained Chair Vijums relished his time on the Planning Commission and worked <br />to help Arden Hills make the best decisions possible for the community. She indicated Chair <br />Vijums pointed out the Commission's job was to evaluate each proposal, ask well -constructed <br />questions and balance the needs of the applicant with what is best for the community. She stated <br />Arden Hills was losing a dedicated volunteer that speaks for the Arden Hills community and not <br />only the applicant. She encouraged the community to watch the meeting to see what caused the <br />resignation of Chair Vijums because this affects all of us. <br />George Winiecke, 4175 Old Highway 10, explained he has been before the Council several <br />times. He wished the Council would go back to the original plan and not move forward with the <br />new plan. He stated he did not trust the traffic count studies. <br />