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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 8, 2024 14 <br />developers. She understood it will be great to have affordable housing on TCAAP, but she <br />questioned if 1,960 was the right number for this development. She stated the financials for this <br />project show it will take 30 years to develop. She feared how the current residents of Arden Hills <br />would be impacted by the increased tax burden that would be brought on as this project begins to <br />develop. She questioned why the financials for this project were unknown. She questioned what <br />the rate of return would be for the developer. She commented on how she did not want Arden <br />Hills residents to get stuck with a bill from this development, if it were not to be fully completed. <br />She stated she was here to project the residents of Arden Hills and she feared no one was doing <br />this at this time. She recommended that additional time be spent vetting this project before <br />moving it forward. She indicated her vision for this development was for it to be inclusive with <br />housing varieties inter -mixed throughout the neighborhoods. <br />Councilmember Holden discussed how Minneapolis and St. Paul would not survive without <br />businesses recalling their employees back into their communities. She explained there was a need <br />for improved transit in Arden Hills, and especially in TCAAP given the proposed density. She <br />noted the City does not have any commitments from Met Council on any new bus lines. She <br />feared how people living on TCAAP would get to work downtown. She indicated there were <br />discussions about bringing a Costco to TCAAP. She reported Costco would bring one million <br />trips to the site and asked if this had been taken into consideration within the traffic study. She <br />indicated the North Heights potential housing project had also not been taken into consideration. <br />Councilmember Holden stated when Bob Lux and Alatus was brought on, it was the hope to <br />create something unique and wonderful. She indicated the proposed development would now <br />look like every other development in the metro area. She commented on Building 118 and how <br />the JDA needed to work with the Army to maintain access. She explained she would like to have <br />more information on the TCAAP financials and how the City would pay for this project. She <br />wanted to know if TIF would be required for this development. She questioned how the <br />businesses on TCAAP would survive given the surrounding traffic issues. She indicated she was <br />concerned about the existing residents of Arden Hills and how they would be impacted by this <br />project. <br />Councilmember Holden commented on the amount of affordable housing that was already <br />present in Arden Hills, which included a manufactured home community. She indicated the City <br />previously moved this project forward through open and efforts of the City Council. She stated <br />the continued to hold JDA meetings for 23 months, leaving the door open for the County to <br />participate. She questioned again where the transparency was with the process that has been <br />followed in the past year. She noted questions from the bench were not being answered. She <br />inquired how this project would be funded and how would it flow. She expressed concern with <br />the fact the Council has held no discussions regarding TCAAP. She noted an open house was <br />being held, but instead of taking feedback, the project was presented as this is how it is. She <br />believed there had been a total lack of transparency on this TCAAP project and there has been no <br />tolerance for the people who do not agree with the three slate candidates. She expressed concern <br />with the fact there was no information available on how the infrastructure would be funded. <br />While she stated she had no problem with the 1,960 number, she recommended that vetting and <br />data be provided to show that this was the right number. She commented on how the Planning <br />Commission Chair had paid dearly by raising questions about the 1,960 number as he was no <br />longer the Chair. She stated she would not be offering her support to the 1,960 number until it <br />was properly vetted. <br />