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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 8, 2024 27 <br />until after the TCAAP vote. She indicated his vote to not move forward with TCAAP at this time <br />without addressing the significant questions was the source of his dismissal. She stated this action <br />was pointing to the fact that leaders had to toe the line or pay the price. She explained this <br />message has also been sent to staff. She thanked Paul Vijums for his years of dedicated service to <br />the City and apologized for the fact he had to lose his position on the Planning Commission <br />because he asked hard questions and offered challenging ideas when it came to doing what was <br />best for the City. She stated the emotional abuse from leadership was really sad to see. She <br />commented on how Commissioners were addressed in the past when they were found to be <br />dishonest. She believed that the manner in which this was handled was wrong and was a loss that <br />should have never happened. She reported the members of the Planning Commission represented <br />the City and not the Council liaison. <br />Mayor Grant thanked Paul Vijums for his contributions to the City. He believed Mr. Vijums was <br />an outstanding Chair of the Planning Commission. He noted this was an important position and if <br />this matter would have been handled properly it would not have led to his resignation. He stated <br />the City lost a really good Planning Commissioner. He indicated it was apparent that Mr. Vijums <br />took this very personally and this was difficult to see, especially when someone has contributed <br />so much to the community. <br />Councilmember Fabel commented he has not met Mr. Vijums and he has no doubt that he has <br />contributed significantly to the community over the years. However, he was approached by <br />several people who advised him that they witnessed that Mr. Vijums was not simply opposed to <br />moving forward with the TCAAP item, but rather he tried to prevent the Planning Commission <br />from having a vote. He stated people felt this was exercising a degree of authority that was <br />inappropriate as the Chair. He stated it was his understanding Mr. Vijums was not asked to step <br />down from the Planning Commission altogether, but rather to step down from serving as the <br />Chair. He reported it was Mr. Vijums decision to step down from the Planning Commission after <br />being approached on how he handled this matter. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Fabel moved and Councilmember Rousseau seconded a <br />motion to Accept Resignation Of Planning Commissioner. <br />Councilmember Holden asked if Councilmember Fabel had watched any of the other Planning <br />Commission meetings where Mr. Vijums was the Chair. She stated she was surprised criticisms <br />were being made about tabling a motion given the fact the Council has taken this same action <br />instead of bringing things forward. She noted Paul has run meetings for the past five years, <br />perhaps he was having a bad day and to remove him based on one meeting seemed unfair and <br />irresponsible. She commented further on the emotional abuse that was being placed on the <br />volunteers of the City. <br />Mayor Grant stated there will always be difficult topics at meetings. He noted Mr. Vijums was <br />voted to be the Chair in November for the next three years. He explained after one tough meeting <br />he was removed from the Commission. <br />Councilmember Rousseau clarified that Mr. Vijums was not removed from the Commission, he <br />was encouraged to stay but was asked to step down as Chair given the feedback she received. <br />Mayor Grant stated he believed this matter was mishandled. <br />