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<br /> MINUTES OF THE ARDEN HILLS REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING <br /> October 26. 1987. 7:30 p.m. - Village Hall <br /> CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notlce thereof. Acting Mayor <br /> Hansen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br /> ROLL CALL The roll being called the following members were <br /> present: Acting Mayor Nancy Hansen. Councllmembers <br /> . Thomas Sather, Gary Peck and Jeanne Wlniackl. Abaent: Mayor Robert Woodburn. <br /> Also present: Attorney Jamea Lynden, Parks Dlrector John Buckley, Public Works <br /> Supervisor Robert Raddatz, Clerk Admlnistrator Patrlcia Morrlson and Deputy <br /> Clerk Catherine Iago. <br /> APPROVE MINUTES Moved by Peck. seconded by Sather, that Councl1 approve <br /> the mlnutes of Regular Council meeting of October 12, <br /> 1987, aa submltted. Motlon carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> BUSINESS FROM FLOOR None. <br /> ORD. 11251; EXTERIOR Council was referred to a letter from Attorney, dated <br /> CONSTR, FINAL RDING 10-5-87, relative to the eecond draft of the exterior <br /> completlon ordinance. <br /> Lynden explalned that the Buildlng Inspector had expressed concern regarding <br /> the lssuance of the Certiflcate of Occupancy; related to the possible problems <br /> with delaying financing for homeowners lf the Certificate of Occupancy were <br /> delayed becauee lawn or drlvewaywas not completed due to weather conditions. <br /> The Attorney advised that the Clty of St. Paul had adopted an ordinance <br /> . relating to Nuisancea; the ordinance incorporated exterlor completion and <br /> provided for the City to complete the work, if not done within a certain tlme <br /> perlod, and charge the coats back to the property owner. It was hla opinion <br /> that lt would be lesa costly to delay issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. <br /> The Attorney suggested a provlsion be lnserted ln the Occupancy issuance for <br /> certaln grievous situatlons to be brought to Councll attention for their <br /> consideration. <br /> He suggested the insertion of the following language in Section 6-128, last <br /> aentence to lnclude: " ...or the City Councl1 has granted an exception as <br /> indicated ln Sectlon 6-75(a) and (b) of this Code," <br /> Councilmember Sather explained that certain items. auch .as sodding or drlveway <br /> completion. are not contingent upon flnanclng approval. <br /> Councilmember Winieckl suggested allowing a 240 day time period for completion <br /> be incorporated into the Ordinance; which would allow the homeowner to complete <br /> the sodding and other items that could not be dona durlng wlnter months. <br /> Council dlscusaed enforcement of the ordinance; questloned if a fine could be <br /> imposed, suggested lt would be dlfficult to evict residents if exterior work <br /> . was not completed. <br /> . <br /> Attorney Lynden suggested that the Nuisance Ordinance in the Arden Hllls Code <br /> could more speclfically address exterior completlon, <br /> After discussion, Council concurred to direct the Attorney to compare St. <br /> Paul's Ordinance wlth Arden Hill's Ordinance and recommend changes, and, that <br /> the language change recommended by the Attorney be incorporated into the draft <br /> ordinance and returned to Councll for review. <br /> ORD. 11252; SPEC. EVT. Council was referred to Ordlnance No. 252; pertaining <br /> SIGNS, FINAL READING to limiting the number of Special Event Signs permltted <br /> in the City of Arden Hills per year. <br /> Attorney Lynden read the Ordlnance ln full. <br /> Acting Mayor Hansen commented that she had received support of residents in the <br /> area favoring the proposed Ordlnance. <br /> Councllmember Peck expressed opposition to the ordlnance; it was his opinion <br /> the ordinance was restricting businesses in the City. Councilmember Sather <br /> . agreed; he noted that buslnesses currently pay a fee for special event aigns, <br /> are limlted to the number of days the sign can be placed on their property and <br /> must request Council approval, ln his opinion, llmiting the number would be too <br /> restrictive. <br />