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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City Council approves Planning Case 23-024 for a <br /> Final Planned Unit Development with a Conditional Use Permit on the Subject Property 3751 <br /> Lexington Avenue N., based on the findings of fact and the submitted plans in the February 12, <br /> 2024 Report to the City Council, as amended by the following conditions: <br /> 1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the submitted plans as amended by <br /> the conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by <br /> the City Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and <br /> City Council. <br /> 2. The Master and Final Planned Unit Development approval shall expire one year from the <br /> date of City Council approval unless a building permit has been requested or a time <br /> extension has been granted by the City Council. The City Council may extend the <br /> expiration date of such approval upon written application by the person to whom the <br /> approval was granted. <br /> 3. A violation of any condition set forth in the permit shall be a violation of this Code, and <br /> shall be cause for revocation of the permit. <br /> 4. A Master and Final PUD Development Agreement shall be prepared by the City Attorney <br /> and subject to City Council approval for the Development for the exterior car wash. The <br /> Master and Final PUD Development Agreement shall be fully executed prior to the <br /> issuance of building permits. <br /> 5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a landscape financial security equal to 125%of <br /> the cost of the landscaping to be installed on the site shall be submitted. The Applicant <br /> must submit a detailed cost estimate for the landscaping so staff can determine the final <br /> amount. Landscape financial security shall be held for two full growing seasons. For any <br /> landscaping that is not in accordance with the approved landscaping plan at the end of two <br /> growing seasons, the Developer shall replace the material to the satisfaction of the City <br /> before the guarantee is released. Where this is not done,the City,at its sole discretion,may <br /> use the proceeds of the performance guarantee to accomplish performance. <br /> 6. A Grading and Erosion permit shall be obtained from the city's Engineering Division prior <br /> to commencing any grading, land disturbance or utility activities. The Applicant shall be <br /> responsible for obtaining any permits necessary from other agencies, including but not <br /> limited to,MPCA,Rice Creek Watershed District,MnDOT and Ramsey County(i.e ROW <br /> or access)prior to the start of any site activities. <br /> 7. The final plans shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer,Building Official, and <br /> Fire Marshal prior to the issuance of a grading and erosion control permit. <br /> 8. Final grading, drainage, utility, and site plans shall be subject to approval by the Public <br /> Works Director, City Engineer, and City Planner prior to the issuance of a grading and <br /> erosion control permit or other development permits. <br /> 9. Upon completion of grading and utility work on the site, a grading as-built and utility as- <br /> built shall be provided to the City for review. <br /> 10. Heavy duty silt fence and adequate erosion control around the entire construction site shall <br /> be required and maintained by the Developer during construction to ensure that sediment <br /> and storm water does not leave the project site. <br /> 11. The Applicant shall be responsible for protecting the proposed on-site storm sewer <br /> infrastructure and components and any existing storm sewer from exposure to any and all <br /> stormwater runoff, sediments and debris during all construction activities. Temporary <br /> stormwater facilities shall be installed to protect the quality aspect of the proposed and <br /> To view the final document,access adopted Resolutions via Arden Hills Public Laserfiche Weblink by visiting <br /> and clicking on Archived Documents under Helpful Links on our main webpage. <br /> 2 <br />