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01-02-24 JDA
Commissions, Committees, and Boards
Joint Development Authority (JDA)
JDA Minutes
01-02-24 JDA
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<br />Commissioner Frethem stated the area at Hamline and County Road 96 was a challenge now. <br />She recommended the County take into consideration how this intersection could be improved <br />given the fact traffic was already congested. Mr. Estochen reported delays, intersection <br />performance, number of crashes, and safety were looked at when improvements were <br />considered by the County. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued on how potential future transit trips could reduce daily trips to and from the <br />site. <br /> <br />Director Collins requested further information on how the annualized growth rate has changed <br />based on the evolution of ride sharing and technological innovations. Mr. Estochen explained <br />the annualized growth rate was a function of an area’s economy, facilities and mobility. He <br />stated this rate can ebb and flow as more dense developments are constructed and if mass <br />transit was available. <br /> <br />Director Perrault commented on the traffic levels at Hamline Avenue and County Road 96. He <br />questioned if the entire peak PM period was an F or was this only for a certain amount of time. <br />Mr. Estochen explained that only certain southbound delays at this intersection were in the <br />triple digits during this time. He reported if signal timings were modified the service level may <br />get down to a level E but there are tradeoffs to consider. He stated a total of 63 vehicles were <br />being impacted at this time. <br /> <br />Director Perrault discussed how vertical construction could begin on Rice Creek Commons in <br />2028 and there would be a 10-to-15-year buildout. He stated this would mean that realistically <br />we would not see the build scenario intersection grades for 10 to 15 years when the <br />development was completed. Mr. Estochen reported that this was correct and that the study <br />assumed full build out in 2030 in order to provide data that can be compared to previous <br />studies. <br /> <br />Commissioner Fabel asked if the spine road would be signalized. Mr. Estochen stated he <br />anticipated there would be a signalized intersection at the southern access point. He indicated <br />further traffic control measures within the development would be considered in the design <br />phase. <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson thanked Mr. Estochen for his detailed report on the infrastructure <br />study. <br /> <br />c. Update from Energy Advisory Committee <br /> <br />Commissioner Monson provided a verbal update from the Energy Advisory Committee. She <br />explained the RFP for the energy consultant was closed and the procurement team was now <br />reviewing the submittals. She stated the Energy Advisory Committee recently toured the Red <br />Bull facility which was constructed in 2020. She noted the Energy Advisory Committee would be
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