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02-28-24 EDC Agenda Packet
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02-28-24 EDC Agenda Packet
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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION – JANUARY 10, 2024 4 <br />their goals and objectives for Staff and they will have to set priorities on those items based on <br />availability of staff resources and Council direction. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Rousseau felt if they put together something like a communications plan that <br />should be shared with the Council. She would love to start a procedure where every first quarter <br />the Committees and Commissions create their goals for the year and bring them to the Council. <br />The EDA has previously talked about welcome to Arden Hills signs but that’s really all they’ve <br />done recently. She would like to have the EDA membership expanded and have one person from <br />the EDC and one from the Planning Commission join the EDA. <br /> <br />Commissioner Murchie said it seemed like there was overlap with the two committees. He felt <br />if they support the businesses that are here that will help to attract other businesses. <br /> <br />Commissioner Williams thought a survey would help let them know what resources businesses <br />want. Maybe they could piggyback with Shoreview or another city? He recalled that a welcome <br />packet was made a few years ago that they gave to new businesses. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen summarized what she was hearing was they wanted communication with <br />current businesses and a plan for future businesses saying here’s what’s available and learning <br />what should be available, and being able to take that information back to the Council/EDA to see <br />how the commission could support businesses in the future. She reviewed what was in Chapter 8 <br />from the Comprehensive Plan which was about Economic Development. She also felt there was <br />overlap with other committees and commissions. <br /> <br />Commissioner Bonine wondered if it would it be possible to come up with a communications <br />plan outline and have everyone take a topic; surveys, map, welcome kit, vendor directory etc. They <br />could take it before the EDA and City Council before they spend a lot of time on it. He would be <br />happy to put together an outline. <br /> <br />Commissioner Subramanian thought having an event just for business owners to network might <br />be a good idea. <br /> <br />Council Liaison Rousseau mentioned that the PTRC had suggested having an open house with <br />residents, they could consider having a meet and greet with businesses to get to know each other. <br /> <br />Senior Planner Fransen said that could also be aligned with an opportunity to review and discuss <br />results from a survey. She asked what kind of event the business owners in the room would show <br />up for. <br /> <br />Commissioner Gronquist said she would wonder if she showed up would anyone else. She <br />thought it could be two different type of events, with just businesses or businesses with the <br />community invited to make a connection. It would also depend on if the business was new or <br />established, customer centric or not, and type of business. <br /> <br />Chair Cupery asked if there would there be a way to wrap all of those things together? <br /> <br />Commissioner Murchie thought there may be some sequential steps like first defining what the <br />EDC is and letting people know they are there and what they’re doing. <br />
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