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<br /> . , <br /> " <br /> PGgG Thl"'21o:; Vllloge Council j"lI"/i nu";-es i~ov 0 ;;: l.~ I' i966 <br /> L1brarj( Site - (con"j"dl <br /> tiere discussed. The Bethel Colle@6 Board alii mest to dIscuss tl:e <br /> proposals on December 6, 1966. <br /> The Coune II authorized the Mayor and Atty. Courtney to continue <br /> negotiations with Bethel College along the lines deh.lled In Atty. <br /> Cotin'ney's letter of November 21, 1966. The proposals In this <br /> . letter were also referred to the Planning Commission fer recommendations <br /> at their next meeting. <br /> REPORT OF ENGINEER LUND <br /> Sewer Feaslbllltv Report for Starr-Elbner ProAsrty <br /> Engineer Lund reviewed the Banister report of November 28, 1966, <br /> concerning Municipal sewer accomodatlons and the proposed roadway <br /> for the subdIvision of this parcel of land. Costs would be high <br /> for either a gravity system or one Involving a Ilh' s"i"<ri-Ion. It <br /> would be economically more feasible If abutting properties aere <br /> Included In a seNer system for the area. <br /> Administrative Clerk STromquist was requested to send copies of <br /> Banister's reDort to Miss Starr and Miss Elbner. <br /> Plans for the proposed subdivision of the Starr-Elbner property ~ere <br /> referred to the Planning Commission. <br /> ~ummlngs lane Street Improvement <br /> Engineer Lund reported that the contractor has not completed repairs <br /> to curbs, etc. as of this date. Trustee Hoffmann moved that 10% <br /> of the tota I Cummings lane Street Improvement contract be withheld <br /> pending completion of the specified Items. Seconded by Trustee Olmen; <br /> carried. Engineer Lund .111 prepare an estimate to accomodate the <br /> motion. AdmlnlstretlveClerk Stromquist stated that Check 01591 <br /> to Ray Sine C-ntractlng Co. will be voided, a new check to be Issued <br /> on receipt of Engineer Lund's estimate. <br /> Abatement of Assessment - Sanltarv Se~er 04 <br /> Trustee Olmen moved ado~tlon of the resolution relating to abatement <br /> of assessments relating to sanitary sewer no. 4, as attached; seconded <br /> by Trustee 8Jorndahl. motion carried. <br /> REPORT Of BUlkDING INSPECTOR KELLEY <br /> Clrclca S Ranch <br /> . Inspector Kel~cay reported that Atty. Courtney suggested photogr6phlng <br /> buildings on tha Circle S Ranch from all sides and also suggested <br /> that the placing of condemnation tags at entrances be photographed. <br /> Atty. Courtney will Inform Inspector Kelley when to proceed with <br /> placement of red tags. <br /> REPORT, Of TRUSTEE HOFfMANN <br /> Covered In p reced I ng ,I tems. <br /> REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> Dum~I~~ Com~lalnt on South SIde of County Road E2 <br /> Trustee Crepeau reported that the Pollee Department had Informed <br /> Mr. G. Hayne, Grounds Superintendent of Bethel College, that recent <br /> dumping of debris In this area was contrary to Village Ordinance <br /> No. 97. Mr. Hayne stated he wll I have debris removed and that there <br /> will be no further dumping. <br /> -3- <br />