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<br />'~C~1i(',~i: riV.'H.;:lting m1rHJ"h~s contlnuGid ~ ,.iun12: Il:.;~ ~(I,:-~::, <br /> <br />front~g0 Road Maintenanco Agre0men~ <br /> <br />locatIon: East side of Interstata Hlgh~ay 35~ OKt0ftdl~g south <br />approxlmatsly 2800 's.t from State Highway 96. <br /> <br />Clark Lorraine Stromquist Inform0d the Council that William Hit. of <br />the WIIII~m H. Hlt@ Dnsurance Agency, stated that ent.rlng Into a <br />maintenance agreement with the State Hlgilway Departm0nt would Increase <br />the cost of tha Village Insurance about $18.00 annually for this ~Grti- <br />CUhlf" road. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Clerk read a letter, dated 13 June 1966. from Engineer Lund regarding <br />this agreement ~hereby the State would be responsible for resurfacing <br />ISlnd seal c08tlng: the Vlllelge would be responsions for snow removafi, <br />sanding during the winter months and mOlflngduring the summer mon1hs <br />Bnd any necessary patching ~ork during the periods bet~een sea! <br />coating - all this to be done ~t the Vill~ge 8Mpense. <br /> <br />Engl~eer Lund verbally informed the Council that th!1 frontage road <br />serves the rendering plant In New Brighton and nothing In Arden H~!8s; <br />tl19 ~ould receive no state aid for the road from the Stote regardl0ss <br />at population because of Insufficient necessary maintenance. He in- <br />formed the Council that the State Intended the Village to sign thio <br />maintenance agreement before Highway construction began. <br /> <br />Fred Nixon, maintenance man. Informed the Council that this partlcuRar <br />road would b<a the most difficult In Arden Hills -~o plotl because o'f tho <br />drifting. and he does not have the proper equipment for this typ~ of <br />mo~ing. The Council agreed not to enter into this malntenanca ~gr~e- <br />rnent at this time with the State Highway Department end requested Clerk <br />torralneStromqulst to so In10rm the Highway Department. <br /> <br />Proposed Improvement of Old Snelllnq Avenue <br /> <br />Engineer Lund Informed the Council that the County has tentative p~ans <br />to widen Old Snelling Avenue to 44 feet snd requests the Vlllage'~ opin- <br />ion ~hether or not this would be beneficial. Acting Mayor Crepeau <br />stated that he had discussed the matter with Mayor Netharcut and they <br />both 1011' the traffic load does not warrant this Improvement, but <br />would recommend that the Lexington Avenue improvement be considered <br />first, because 01 the Control Data and Twin City Arsenal traffic Invol- <br />vad.. <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist Informed the Council that Mr. Snvker, Ramsey <br />County Highway Department had assured har that the Le~!ngton PloJect <br />!s already pl8nne~ for this season. Acting Mavor requested the Clerk <br />to obtain specific dates for the Lexington Avenue improvement. 80th <br />Trustees BJorndahl and Olmen believe that Hamllne Avenue from T.H. 96 <br />to the Freeway should be considered for Improvement esp~cla!ly si~ce- <br />the reactivation of the Ordinance Plent. end requested the Clerk to <br />suggest this to the County. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE HOFFMANN <br /> <br />~ Proto Sheet Metal ShOD - 3628 North Conneliv Avenue <br /> <br />Trustee Hoffmann moved approval of 9 shop addition to the Proto <br />Sheet Metal Shop at 3628 North Connelly Street, 8S recommended by <br />the Planning Commission. subject to a favorable easement Interprota- <br />tlon by Village Attorney Courtney; seconded bV Trustee Olmen; motion <br />carried. Mr. Clough, representing Arden Properties. Inc., assured the <br />Council that a permanent access end egress eesement ~IIU be legalized. <br /> <br />Phillip 66 Service Station - E2 and 35W <br /> <br />The CouncIl granted Trustee Hoffmann's request, as recommended by the <br />Planning Commission. that this motter be tabled until the next Council <br />meetIng as the Planning Commission arrived at a ti~ vot~l therGtors. <br />no recommendation. <br /> <br />Warlan~e Request - Euqene Richte~ <br /> <br />Tru5te~ Hoffmann moved the approwal of a va~lance as ra- <br />commanded by tha Planning Commls:slon and ths Board ell' Appeals, to <br />EMgene Richter, 3552 Glenarden Road, to contruct a gar~gc 30 Teot from <br />