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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />CounclJ me0ting minutes continued - June 13, R966 <br /> <br />REPORT OF ACTnNG MAYOR HENRY J. CREPEAU <br /> <br />fire Works Approv~~ <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Crepeau moved the approval of the Is!and e8ach CI~b'S <br />request to display fire works on July 4, seconded by Trustee Ol~en; <br />motion carried. <br /> <br />Empioyment Status of J. Patrick Se~ton <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Crepeau moved, seconded bv Trustee Hoffmann, that Officer <br />J. Patrick Sexton, having servod his 6 months' probationary period, <br />be given the status of regular em~~oYBe as of July ~. I~~~; mofla" <br />carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br />~p~0S0nt6d by Acting Mayor Hanry J. Crepee~) <br /> <br />D. F. Kennedy AppointmenT <br /> <br />Ex-mayor Kennedy has been appointed as a member of the Metropo~ Itan <br />T~anslt Authority. <br /> <br />Northern States Power Company inquiries <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut's written report Included several questions con- <br />cerning the proposed high line; Clerk Lorraine Stromquist was re- <br />quested to make copies of this report for distribution fo the Council <br />and Planning Commission. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ADMONISTRATIVE CLERK LORRAiNE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Variance Reguest - Glegylew Avenue <br /> <br />Mr. and Mrs. Canlff were present and explained that their property <br />on Glenvle~ Avenue and Glenvlew Court is wedge shaped and the fur- <br />ther he builds back on the property the smal'er the house tll18 have <br />to be to conform to the side lot requirements and therefore they <br />are requesting a front set back variance of 30 feet ~ould solve the <br />problem and also save a valuable tree in the back yard. <br /> <br />The Board of Appeals recommended that a variance be granted for 36Ft. <br />Intead of the 30 feet requested aDong Gienvlew Court and 40 feeteOong <br />Glenvlew Avenue to coincide with existing homes. Mr. Caniff Informed <br />the Council that the 6 ft. difference would cause considerable In- <br />convenience. leaving no back yard or room for a garage. <br /> <br />To avoid a delay. this varIance request had not been considered by <br />the Planning Commission; Trustee Hoffmann moved. seconded by Trustee <br />Olmen, that the matter be referred to the PlannIng Commission for <br />consideration at their special meeting to be heUd June U7; motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />Non-Conformlna Slans <br /> <br />The Boerd of Appeals recommended the removal of two "For Saie" s,yns <br />on the Bethel property along Highway 10 north of the Soo Line tracks. <br />Clerk LorraIne Stromquist distributed copies of a letter from the <br />Rees-Thomson- Scroggins, Inc. realtors for the property, which ~as <br />written to Attorney Courtney regarding these sIgns. <br /> <br />Mr. Horty, Chairman of the Board of Appeals, believes the Ordinance Is <br />not too realistic. but the decision was based on our Ordinance. Clerk <br />Lorraine Stromquist reported that this matter ~as consIdered by the <br />Planning Commission who gave the same recommendation. <br /> <br />The Council decided to table the matter for further consIderation for <br />a period of one month. <br /> <br />i965 Audit Report <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine StromquIst distributed copies of the 1965 audit report <br />as complied bv George M. Hansen Company; a letter of recommendations <br />