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<br />r <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />.f,I(,", ~,r .''i~:,;)':''1 'ilq M l !~lj'f',:)3 - r';av ~l" .,(:,: <br /> <br />r;-> I fJ" <br /> <br />8U I LU I ,'.i'~ i i1~ ~;~, 1'0'". ,.,.i ; <br /> <br />Robert's Warehous0 <br /> <br />InspscTor Kef lay s'~a';'ad tITa-;' he had FEl--j'agged a wa,,,house <lddl-~Ion <br />when 2/3 of the addition was completed because Mr. Roberts had neglected <br />to secure the necessary parmlt for the addItion. The building has <br />'recently been completed, but no permits have b~en obtained. CouncIl <br />~~quested Attorney Courtney to .rlte Mr. Roberts, stating ~e Is to <br />appear at the next Council meeting or a formal complaint ~III be <br />Issued. <br /> <br />GerOllX Property <br /> <br />. C;o,h 5~h-om(g.ds';~ tlaS r-squC3sted to wrt"j'e M~"'o GeiouJ~ lfdoilfdng him ',-ha'i <br />he cannot start any ~ulldlng unless the property Is rezoned and building <br />permits ar, Issued. <br /> <br />Mayor Nethereut e~pressed his concern over the problem of constructIon <br />~Ithout required permits. Clerk Stromquist was requested to write all <br />Village Inspectors advIsing them of their rGsponsl~lllty for constant <br />checking of ne~ construction as well es remodelling atc. TO be sure <br />all necessary permits are obtained. Trustee Crepeau offered the ser- <br />vices of the pollee department for a dally check of specified problem <br />sites. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />Village Improvement Committee <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau Introduced Melban Fish who reported that <br />al meeting had been held for this new Village Committee. <br />Gode has accepted chaIrmanship of the committee. <br /> <br />Mr. Gode outlined plans for publicity snd action on the forthcoming <br />"Clean-up CF.ll1lpaign". An Informational letter \1111 be SfH1'~ to all <br />residents and business places In the Village. At the conclusion of the <br />campaign, the police department and fire department nlll make a final <br />InspectIon snd report to the Council. <br /> <br />an organ!zatlon- <br />~1r. Danai d <br /> <br />Trustee BJorndahl moved that the MaIntenance Department be authorized to <br />pick up debris from vacant lots, seconded by Trustee O~men; carrIed. <br /> <br />Dumplnq Complaint <br /> <br />Mr. Larry McGough reported that dumping contlnuGs at the Sportsmans' <br />Club site and at the Ramsey County Picnic area. Mayor Nethercut re- <br />quested Trustee Crepeau to check with the County and Sportsman's Club <br />to determine their schedule for completIon of filling this low land. <br /> <br />SpecIal Merit Award <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut Informed the CouncIl that the Vliiago of Arden HIlls <br />w'" receive a Special Merit Award for Traffic Enforcement to be pre- <br />sented by the Mlilnesota Safety Council on May 19. Trustee CrepealJ <br />. will receive the award for the Village; Deputy Commission Victor <br />Weber and several police officers ~III also attend this meeting. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE BJORNDAHl <br /> <br />County Road F Playqround <br /> <br />Trustee BJorndahl reported that at a recent meeting with the County <br />Traffic EngIneer, the locatIon of a driveway entrance to the playground <br />was established. It will be located approximately 60 teat west of Snelling <br />Avenue. The County has agreed to lower the manhole and construct the <br />entrance; the VIllage to pay only tor culvert InstallatIon, astlmated <br />at $200.00. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE OlMEN <br /> <br />Lake Johanna Draln8~e <br /> <br />Trustee Olrnen reported that the Public Works CommIttee Is holding a pub- <br />lic Informational meetIng May 12. at 8:00 p.m. at the Village Hall. <br />-3- <br />