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<br /> ---- ----- -- <br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting", 5-29-90 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 'I'RAIL (Cont'd) There was discussion relative to the bid award and . <br /> possible consequences if the improvement is postponed. Engineer Maurer explained Council has the option to advise the contractor when to <br /> begin the improvement. <br /> There was discussion regarding" an alternative route for the trail along New <br /> Brighton Road. Council noted New Brighton Road is a County Road and the city <br /> would have to obtain permission to reroute the path from the county. <br /> Gelao advised he has spoken to planning personnel at the County and was advised <br /> the County usually cooperates with cities regarding" trail improvements. <br /> Councilmember Hansen did not favor rerouting" the bike path along New Brighton <br /> Road; stated it is an extremely dangerous roadway. She advised that past <br /> community surveys indicate residents place trails as a high priority and have <br /> indicated paved surfaces are preferable. Hansen also advised the County has not <br /> been cooperative in the past regarding" city requests to reduce the speed limit on <br /> New Brighton Road. She ~ressed concern that citizens were not notified earlier <br /> of the proposed improvement and favored the citizens working" with staff to <br /> resolve their concerns. <br /> Hansen stated the City should mark the trail near dangerous intersections, such <br /> as the railroad bridge a=oss New Brighton Road. <br /> Council con=ed with the reconunendation of Mayor sather regarding" the citizens <br /> and staff meeting" to discuss this natter and return June 25 with recommendations.. <br /> AWARD BID; 1990 Council was referred to a letter from Engineer Maurer <br /> OVERIAY & SEAL dated 5-17-90, relative to the bid award for the 1990 <br /> COATING IMPRVMr. overlay and seal coating" improvement. <br /> Engineer Maurer reviewed the bids received and recarnrnended the bid be awarded to <br /> Bituminous Consulting" and Contracting", Inc., as the lowest responsible bidder, in <br /> the amount of $74,822.55. <br /> Councilmember Malone questioned if the additional funds l:udgeted in 1990 will be <br /> utilized to complete other improvement projects outlined in the Pavement <br /> Management Plan. <br /> Maurer advised language was placed in the specifications for additional work and <br /> those my be added with change orders. He advised he is reviewing" areas of the <br /> city with the Public Works SUpervisor to determine where the additional monies <br /> would be utilized. <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Growe, to award the bid for the <br /> 1990 Overlay and Seal Coating" Project to Bituminous Consulting and Contracting", <br /> Inc., in the amount of $74,822.55. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> APPOIN'IMEN'l'S; Council was referred to a memorandum from the Clerk <br /> CITIZEN SURVEY Administrator dated 5-25-90, listing" reco!11I11endations for <br /> VOLUNI'EERS appointments to work with Decision Resources on the . <br /> citizen Survey. <br /> Councilmember Hansen advised another member of the Public safety/Works Committee <br /> had ~ressed interest in appointment, however, at this time she did not recall <br /> the person. She questioned if she make further recommendations at a later date. <br />