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<br /> . <br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Regular Council Meeting", 5-29-90 <br /> Page 5 <br /> . SURVEY (Cont'd) TI1ere was discussion regarding" the fact no recommendation <br /> for appointment from the city Hall Committee, Human <br /> Rights, or Planning" Commission have been received and a Council liaison been not <br /> been recommended. Mayor sather suggested ratification of the individuals listed <br /> in Berger's memorandum and other volunteers my be added at a later date. <br /> council suggested that Councilmember Mahowald be appointed as council liaison, <br /> sinCE' he waS instrumental in initiating" the survey. <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Growe, that Council ratify the <br /> Appointment of individuals listed in the Clerk Administrator's memorandum dated <br /> 5-25-90, to work with Decision Resources on a citizen survey and reserve further <br /> appointments for future consideration. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> APPOINIMEN'l' ; Councilmember Hansen recommended appointment of Eugene <br /> PUB. SAFElY /WJFKS Novak, 1190 Tiller Lane, to the Public safety/Works <br /> cc:MMI'l"l'EE CoImnittee. <br /> Mayor sather con=ed and recommended appointment of Novak to the Public <br /> safety/Works cormni ttee. <br /> Hansen moved, seconded by Malone, to ratify the <br /> appointment of Eugene Novak, 1190 Tiller Lane, to the Public safety/Works <br /> cormnittee and directed staff to send a letter to Novak notifying" him of the <br /> appointment. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> . COUNCIL a>>IMENTS <br /> CHARI'l'ABLE GAMBLING Councilmember Malone suggested Council consider a formula <br /> INAC'l'IVE LICENSES whereby inactive licenses would not be eligible for <br /> renewal unless the taxes collected from the licensee are <br /> equal to approx:i1nately 80% of the average of the taxes collected from all the <br /> licenses in the same classification. He ~lained if the percentage of taxes are <br /> not paid to the city, when the licensee applies for renewal, the Council would <br /> have a basis for denial. <br /> Mayor sather recalled that staff was directed at the last meeting to investigate <br /> some means to determine which licenses are active or inactive; Attorney Filla and <br /> staff were requested to nake recommendations as to how this my be accomplished. <br /> Malone ~lained the proposed approach to licensing" charitable gambling" <br /> applicants will provide llrud.rm.nn benefit to the city, rather than considering" the <br /> charitable organization by other =iteria. <br /> EMERGENCY M3Ml'. councilmember Malone questioned why the city is <br /> PIAN; ARSENAL responsible for compiling" an emergency mnagement plan <br /> for the arsenal. <br /> Clerk Administrator Berger advised staff is reviewing" this mtter i the request <br /> also states the city is responsible for appointing" an Emergency Preparedness <br /> Director. <br /> . There was discussion relative to citizens that have served in this position in <br /> previous years and appointment of a volunteer to work on the emergency plan. <br /> Councilmember Malone questioned if the Federal Government could be held <br /> responsible for cost reimbursement for training personnel or developing the plan <br /> since the government has brought potentially dangerous conditions into the city. <br /> --- <br />