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<br /> - . <br /> --.,-..-.. .. .........-.----- "'''.___--'0--. <br />iCMPIRq . <br /> . <br />Executive Diredor: Niel Ritchie Vice-Chair: Victoria Ludwig Minnesota Public Interest Research Group <br />Research Director: Michael Lee Treasurer: Greg Fichter 2512 Delaware Street Southeast <br />AttorneylLegislative Director:Darcy King Secretary: Mamie Ward Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 <br />Canvass Director: Wendy Stevens-Gannett Christi Gilhoi <br />Statewatch Editor: Lisa Doerr Tom Arneson (612) 627-4035 <br />Senior Organizer: Heather Cusick Chris Aysta <br />Campus Organizers: Christine Langsdorf MPIRG is a statewide, nonprofit, non"/Jartisan, envi- <br />An Levin Crystie Ballard ronmentai and consumer organization tun by college <br />John Vaughn Dave Anderson students from The Universities of Minnesota, Maca- <br />Carron Perry Jennifer Leduc iaster, Carie ton, Hamiine, St. Catherine, Augsburg <br />Citizen Lobby Director: Michael Turner <br />Bethann Barankovich Dan Trackman and William MitcheiiLawSchool. Since 1971,MPiRG <br />BARTER Coordinator: William Nynas Steve Gabbard has been dedicated to creating a sociaily just and <br />Student Intern:David Kapell Jim Kirshling ecologicaiiy sustainabie world through citizen em- <br />Board of Directors: Andrew Comfort powerment and coiiective achievement. <br />State Board Chair: Ana Micka Molly Haverstock <br />....... MPIRG RESEARCH PROJECTS: <br />-- <br />- <br /> . B.A.R.T.E.R. (Businesses Allied to Recycle Through Exchange and Re-use) <br /> BARTER is networking Metro Area small businesses to encourage and facilitafe the recycling and fe-use of <br /> materiais that would otherwise end up in landfills. . <br /> . TENANT/LANDLORD HOTLINE CALL: 1'BOo-"PIRG" <br /> In 1989, the Hotline responded to over 1 0,000 calis from Minnesotan, statewide. Law student interns provide <br /> information to caliers as to their legal rights and responsibilities under Minnesota law. <br /> . RADON GAS <br /> 44% of Minnesota homes test above tile action level of 4 piDDcuries per liter. MPIRG was successful in <br /> bringing a federally-funded radon research facility to the University of Minnesota. For a free copy of "The <br /> Minnesota Homeowner's Guide to Radon" call 623-5350. r <br /> . KINDERGARTEN THROUGH 12th GRADE RECYCLING EDUCATION <br /> MPIRG will research possible state legisiation making recycling education a part of schooi curricuia. <br />=. MPIRG 1989-1990 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA: <br /> . LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE REGULATION <br /> Low-level radioactive waste is currently stored in special landfills and monitored. Proposed changes in <br /> Federal rules would aliow 1/3 or more of this nuclear waste to be reclassified as "Below Regulatory Concern." <br /> (See other side for MPiRG's Stop Radioactive Dumping campaign,) MPIRG has introduced legislation, HF <br /> 2311, which will ensure continued regulation of "Low-level" radioactive waste in Minnesota. <br /> . TOXIC USE REDUCTION <br /> MPIRG is working with other environmental groups to pass the Pollution Prevention Act, Minnesota's first <br /> legislation designed to cut pollution by taxing pOlluters and requiring them to plan for reductions, <br /> . CHILDCARE . <br /> MPIRG will work for legislation to improve access to and availability of quality childcare. <br /> . SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE <br /> MPIRG is working with Minnesotans for Safe Food for state legislation banning irradiated foods. <br /> . RADON GAS <br /> MPIRG proposes legislation to protect consumers whilp. fpo:::;tinn <:;r.honlc: ~nrl n:::l..\If':::no rontorC' <br />