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<br /> FEB-06-'90 TUE 09: 17 !D:I"1ETRDF'DLlTRI'! CDUHCIL TEL HD:612 291 6::,::,0 t:I:lt:.l P02 <br /> . <br /> . <br /> METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Mears Park Cell"', 230 &st Hfth Street, $1, Palll, MN. 55101 612 291.6359 <br /> Fehruary 2, 1990 <br /> Mr. Gary R. nerSar <br /> City <br /> VUbS. of Al:'d~n 1'1118 <br /> 1450 W. HighwAY 96 <br /> A~dQn Bille, MinuQaota 5511Z <br /> Dlln Gary: <br /> Thank you for meeting with Metropoliun Council staff on January ~O, 1990, <br /> res&rding the Gateway Business District ComprBh"nsive Plan Amend1ll~nt "nd <br /> Ordinance. We llpprllciate the City's willingness to wot'k with Council <br /> ~tll.ff to en~ure that development and trQnsporU,tion in tha GS1:6way <br /> llu"inees D:l.$tr;\,ct will be " coordinated. <br /> This l"1:1:er prov;\'de. a summary of the transportation i"~ues we discussed, <br /> Aloo included are stQff reco~endatione for inclusion in thQ ordinance and <br /> . comprllhon,,;\'ve pl...n amendment. Th~.~ t'Qcommendation~ are aim~d at <br /> tllll;\,ntaining the functional cap!icny of the mQtropolitan highway systetll and <br /> ita intarchanaa., <br /> A t"affic impact study fot' the entit'.. Diseriet (""ther t;han on .. proj act <br /> buh) is naC6ua"y to furthQr nodin" the ordinance, and would be <br /> bendicial to both the d.ty Qnd potential d..velopers who may have <br /> difficulty leasinS "pac... or selling ;remaining vacant land if thau ..r_ <br /> traffic pt'oblams with the new dev.elopment, This atudy should <br /> addreae potential peak traffic problems created by d"velopment of <br /> diff.u:.nt levels and t)'pe~, including access 1O0 1:h" site at ROllnd Lake Ro"d <br /> and T.R. 96, added levels of congestion &t the I-SSW/T.R. 96 interchange <br /> and mainline I-35W, llnd other ways to IM?el: site ac''''~~ n...ds inclllding <br /> bt'idaea over 1-35W and T.H. LOt <br /> In l1.sne.ral, we agreeo upon .ev"ral thing~ in our meeting I <br /> -That the Flannin~ Study for NE 1-694/1-35Wwould serve !is the City's <br /> comprllhensive pI..n amendm_nt. <br /> -That the eity ..nd the eouncil will work togQther to get th" <br /> comprehen~ive plan ~endment appt'oved ~& soon .., possible. <br /> -Th..t /l."d"n Hilla will need to analy.... whether thair COlllPt'ehensive <br /> plan nesoa amending in respons" to the Council' B revi.ed 8sw_r and <br /> .tr..nspot'tation policy plAne, ... called for in the Council's .yot.'" <br /> stati!lmtnt for Arden <br /> . ~rhllt r"dev<!lopment of th.. area would have a positiVe impact on /l.rden <br /> Bills t as long aa pel<k p...riod traffic can be mitigated in some way. <br /> .That the s,meral dQveloplllent concept for the araa :l." low-ria". low <br /> intensity"",,,,; ho\oleva.., the plsn "llI"ndm"nt cur.."ntly 1l11owQ for a <br /> fairly den... development. TheJ:efo-re, (ltwelop",,,nt l1mitlltions and <br /> peak trip limitations are requi.ed within the ordinancB. <br /> -1- <br /> -- <br />