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<br /> r.l '..j c- "- ,-:, (-'1 r H (_1 I S t .01- " " T [ ..:j F' ~::1 l <br /> . u u' <br /> "n"'~s TA'TN AT ,..........-'C'TT" '~Tlr Cl F~G>E ~E wehrman <br /> .:. oC",,_ '.' Y'c',. ,e, ,",1)<., ,AI I. 'I L",'\e u <br /> :-CR. 80D-p::.R::-,C:rl U, ~J, ,.l,YHY ~ESE:~')E nu. iN i ~jG CLNT~,R b€rgty <br /> AT THE ,A.R~PIA~ SITE 1,1 ARDEN HILLS 11[r Ir~i"tes <br /> ~iARCH 3 l 1990 <br /> 1. Arden Hills Staff in Attendance: l_ ~_l.) <br /> DrH'! Win:". ; ~) J0hn Buck 1 ~~y ~ nd J,)hn Sergi Y n, pl; bI.Jg., SIB. 22{l <br /> 5217 waYI_ala blv,j, <br /> 2, Hemo on meeting wi \1 be sen~ to City by Army $tafT~ mInneapolis, mn 554'16 <br /> 612 54' 757$ <br /> 3. Any vi$itors t~ site should check in ~t contrQctor's site office (tr3iler). <br /> 4. Conu.[1ctor 1!:> Knut~~Oil CC>\'\;.ti\.Jction COfYlpan.y, MirmeapQli:;. <br /> 5 ; Contract amount is $9)997,010. <br /> G, Authol'l !e.:i 'to beg; n In,(;'\i'ldiat.ely. <br /> 7. Constr"uction schedule: <br /> First ~ Begin gr.)(liW~1 and constrlJct entrance fence an,j gi?lte on Lexington. (Until fence is erected, a: i <br /> traffic must cor..e throllgr. C;:Ite 4 from Highway 10,) Fence 5?lou1d be comp~eted in Maich. tXcJvatlon to <br /> tako ~Bv~r31 w~Gks. , <br /> . ,Secon~_ ~ Uti-Hty 'lIork and balo"..::e of grading. <br /> }~ - lJtiildiil'::] cL)nstruc:tion (to :::;e c:lo'5edln by lie-^t wintl"r). Project completio~ 1 n i;',','O Yf'd,5, <br /> B. S',td (or tr(JiniDg CCiiter 1~ noW tne property of the AI'll\Y ReServe. <br /> 9, An endangered spede5 of turt-Ie 'tfas fOl.lnd on the site. The turtles cannot be removedj but their wetland <br /> h<lbftat ','1111 he de~Uoyed :so th~ turtles will move by th80i~ielves to another'" loC~t.lon, <br /> 10_ EnvIronmental assessment discovered three ~3tch basins witl' cQI,tdm{nated material. Will store such <br /> I1\tJt~r1~l in bermf!.d -arli!<l until f,na 1 di .:;;posa1 . <br /> 11. Park1ng setbacks were qLJe::~tlone-d by Atde.n Hill::;.. facl'itdtor'" did not kr'lO\i A"my's re~pot1Se. to the Cityll;i <br /> earlier concern On the motter. Army will investigate i55~le and respond to City. The neW pl<H15 do not <br /> ~ho""" chan'ges. <br /> 12. Policy and 1i1"e protect,on~ <br /> 0 Still a ql.les.tion a5 to Arden Hills' fnvolvement1 if any. <br /> 0 M~y n~~d City aS$;$t~ncA, e~peclal 1y securi ty fence is erected. <br /> 0 Army wS 11 eh~e.k on this nlflttl:!r- land gQt btlck to thl:! City. <br /> 0 D?n Wi nk 1 e reql1ested bui191"9 9nd ~; te p hns 50 the City wi 1 \ be f9mili9r with develQpment i~ An <br /> . emergency ar1~e~. New se~ of plan~ na~ gtven ~o City at meeting. <br /> 13. There are no perlmeter site fences on the south and southeast areas. rences run around the north and <br /> west sides of the $lte bod into the $;t~ from the w~~t and east p~ope~ty 1in@$ and connect with the <br /> building complex. The large parking lots, ext:enstve open area be"tween 96 and the l:Iuildings tlnd the <br /> training center building are not fenced. Dan 'has safe'ty .c~~c_~.~.lJ!~:,_~bout expos-ure tQ 1.I1Qhway '96 and the <br /> 11 d Lexington.~'" -< <br /> Arden Hills area front1ng on ~6 between Hanl ne -~:-~l~'~-.--- <br /> :.';,." <br /> '- <br />