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<br /> . <br /> MINUI'ES OF THE ARDEN HILlS RmJIAR COUNCIL MEETING <br /> MONDAY, MAY 14, 1990, 7:30 P.M. - CITY HALL <br /> . CAlL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Mayor Sather <br /> called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br /> ROLL CAlL The roll being called the following members were present: <br /> Mayor 'Ihonas Sather, Councilrnernbers Nancy Hansen, Paul <br /> Malone and JoAnn Growe. Absent: Councilmember Thonas Mahowald. Also present: <br /> Attorney Jerry Filla, Planner John Bergly, Engineer Mark Graham, Parks Director <br /> John Buckley, Public Works SUpervisor Dan winkel, Clerk Administrator Gary Berger <br /> and Deputy Clerk Catherine Iago. <br /> ADOPT REVISED Malone moved, seconded by Hansen, to adopt the revised <br /> AGENDA May 14 Agenda as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> (4-0) . <br /> APPROVE Hansen moved, seconded by Malone, to approve the minutes <br /> MINUI'ES of the April 23 Worksession and April 30 Regular Council <br /> meeting as submitted. Motion carried unan:im::>usly. (4-0) <br /> mNSENT Hansen moved, seconded by Growe, to approve the Consent <br /> CALENDAR Calendar for the May 14 meeting and authorize execution <br /> of all necessary d=uments contained therein: <br /> a. Approve Permanent Business License for Burger King, 3751 North Lexington Ave. <br /> b. Approve Bingo Hall License Application, Pot 0 Gold, 3775 Connelly st. <br /> c. Request Partial Payment, HRS Construction, Kem Milling site Demolition. <br /> d. Approve List of Claims and Payroll <br /> . Motion carried unan:im::>usly. (4-0) <br /> PUBLIC CCM1ENTS None. <br /> AWARD BID; COilllCil was referred to a memorandum from Engineer Graham <br /> 1990 BIKE TRAIL dated 5-9-90, relative to the construction bids received <br /> IMPROVEMENTS for the 1990 Bike Trail Improvements. <br /> Engineer Mark Graham, representing MSA, was present and reported on the bids <br /> received for the bituminous bike trail project to be installed within an existing <br /> easement from stowe Avenue to County Road E. Graham advised the apparent low <br /> bidder is Midwest Asphalt Corrpany, in the amount of $11,438.35. He explained that <br /> his firm has worked with this company on projects in other cammunities and found <br /> their work to be of good quality and the company responsive to community needs. <br /> Graham recommended award of bid to Midwest Asphalt Corrpany. <br /> Councilrnernber Hansen questioned if the property owners affected by the <br /> improvement have been notified and if Midwest Asphalt has worked on any <br /> improvements in Arden Hills. <br /> Park Director Buckley explained he will be 11Biling notices to the residents in <br /> this area. <br /> Public Works SUpervisor Winkel advised Midwest Asphalt has performed work in <br /> . Arden Hills, however, the company was not contracted by the City. <br /> Hansen moved, seconded by Malone, to award the 1990 Bike <br /> Trail Improvement Bid to Midwest Asphalt Corrpany, in the amount of $11,438.35. <br /> Motion carried unan:im::>usly. (4-0) <br /> ~-- -- <br />