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<br /> --------- <br /> petition shall state, at the head of each page or in an <br /> at tached paper, a description of the ordinance involved. Any <br /> ordinance upon which a petition is filed, other than an <br /> emergency ordinance, shall be suspended in its operation as <br /> soon as the petition is found sufficient. If the ordinance is <br /> not thereafter entirely repealed, it shall be placed on the <br /> ballo t at the next election, or at a special election called <br /> for that purpose, as the county board shall determine. The <br /> ordinance shall not become operative until a majority of those <br /> voting on the ordinance vote in its favor. <br /> If a petition is filed against an emergency ordinance, the <br /> ordinance shall remain in effect, but shall be placed on the <br /> ballo t at the next election or a special election called for <br /> that purpose, and shall be repealed if a maj ority of those <br /> voting on the ordinance vote to repeal it. <br /> Sec. 8.07 Recall <br /> Recall procedures will be in accordance with state law which <br /> requires a showing of malfeasance or nonfeasance in office. <br /> Sec. 8.08 Repeal of Ordinances Submitted to Voters <br /> No ordinance adopted by the voters on initiative or ordinance <br /> approved by referendum shall be repealed within one year after <br /> its approval. <br /> Sec. 8.09 Limit on Frequency of Repetition <br /> No question may be put to the electorate by initiative, <br /> referendum, or recall more than once in any 12 month period. <br /> Subsequent submissions shall be placed on the ballot at a <br /> primary or general election. <br /> 18 <br /> ---- ----------- ----------- --- <br />