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<br /> . <br /> . wehrman <br /> . MEMORANDUM bergly <br /> To: Mayor and City Council llQQE)iates <br /> From: John Bergly, Planning Consultant <br /> Wehrman Bergly Associates, Inc. <br /> Date: August 13, 1990 <br /> Subject: Lexington/Fox Business Center n. plaza bldg., ste. 220 <br /> Draft Zoning Districts 5217 wayzata blvd. <br /> minneapolis, mn 55416 <br /> 6125447576 <br /> At its August I meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed, made some <br /> modifications to and recommended that the draft zoning districts be sent <br /> to the City Council for action, directing the Planning Commission to <br /> hold the necessary public hearing(s). The planning report was <br /> previously approved by Council for processing through the plan approval <br /> process (public hearing, Metropolitan Council review, adoption by the <br /> City Council). <br /> To aid those of you who reviewed the first draft a month or so ago, the <br /> changes or additions are noted as follows: <br /> Page I--Changed (l),(b), through (l),(f): Used"... in the district... " <br /> instead of "in the vicinity" or "on adjoining lots." <br /> Added last line in (3),(b). <br /> Page 2--Changed (4),(d): Was "Miscellaneous towers." <br /> . Added (4), (e) . <br /> Added to (5) ,(f): "...or other..." to end of sentence. <br /> Page 3--Changed (7): To include "Site Features." <br /> Page 4--Changed (I),(c): " ...or highways and in areas... " <br /> Page 5--Added to (4),(b): Limitation to eight rental/lease vehicles; <br /> and reference to other service station requirements. <br /> Page 6--Changed (4),(f): Was "Miscellaneous towers" now "Satellite <br /> antennae...premises." <br /> Page 7--Changed (7): Same change as in I-Flex District. <br /> Page 8--Changed (I),(c): Added criteria for free-standing, single- <br /> occupancy buildings. <br /> Page 9--Changed (4),(e): Was "Miscellaneous towers" now "Satellite <br /> dishes...height." <br /> Page IO--Changed (6): Entire paragraph has been replaced. <br /> Page II--Changed (7): Same change as in I-Flex and B-3 Districts, plus <br /> we included language from GB District for the various site <br /> . features. (This is the only one of the new Lexington Avenue <br /> districts that has enough space to benefit from unified <br /> control of the site features.) <br /> planning . lanascape architecture <br />