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<br /> { <br /> . 53. Do you support or oppose the city STRONGLY SUPPORT........1 <br /> taking an active and aggressive SUPPORT.... .............2 <br /> role in attracting targeted devel- OPPOSE..... ....., ,., ....3 <br /> opment to Arden Hills? (WAIT FOR STRONGLY OPPOSE.........4 <br /> RESPONSE) And, do you feel strong- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. .....5 <br /> ly that way? <br /> 54. Do you favor or oppose the city STRONGLY FAVOR. .......,.1 <br /> offering financial incentives to FAVOR..,....,.. t...........2 <br /> attract various types of devel- OPPOSE. . . I . .. . .. ,. . * . . . to . . . 3 <br /> opment to the community? (WAIT STRONGLY OPPOSE..... ....4 <br /> FOR RESPONSE) And, do you feel DON'T KNOW/REFUSED",. ..5 <br /> strongly that way? <br /> The city could undertake many different initiatives to attraot or <br /> disoourage various types of future development. For each of the <br /> following categories, please tell me if you feel the eity of <br /> Arden Hills should act aggressively to attract that type of <br /> growth, act aggressively to discourage that type of growth, or <br /> take no action one way or the other, If you have no opinion, just <br /> say so. <br /> AGG AGG NO DK/ <br /> ATT DIS ACT REF <br /> 55. Single family homes for moderate <br /> income families. 1 2 3 4 <br /> . 56. Low income family housing. 1 2 3 4 <br /> 57. Apartment'buildings. 1 2 3 4 <br /> 58. Townhouses. 1 2 3 4 <br /> 59. condominiums. 1 2 3 4 <br /> 60. Senior citizen housing. 1 2 3 4 <br /> 61- Mobile homes. 1 2 3 4 <br /> 62. Retail shopping centers. 1 2 3 4 <br /> 63, Commercial office buildings. 1 2 3 4 <br /> 64. Light industrial plants. 1 2 3 4 <br /> 65. Parks and recreational open <br /> spaces. 1 2 3 4 <br /> 66. Should the TOP priority for devel- TAX BASE..... ..... .... ..1 <br /> opment in this city be on increa- JOBS. . ~ + I t i . . . . . . . . + .. . . .2 <br /> sing the tax base, providing head- HOUSING........... ... ...3 <br /> Of-household jobs, providing hou- RECREATION........,.... .4 <br /> sing opportunities for young RETAIL SHOPPING. ... .....5 <br /> families and retirees, providing COMBINATION (VOL) . . .. ...6 <br /> recreational and leisure time NONE OF ABOVE. ....... ...7 <br /> offerings, or attracting more re- DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.. ....8 <br /> tail shopping opportunities? <br /> 67. What should be the second prior- TAX BASE................1 <br /> ity? (RE-READ ABOVE LIST, IF JOBS. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 <br /> NECESSARY. ) HOUSING. ~ .. . .. t. . . . t . . . . . .3 <br /> . RECREATION t . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 <br /> RETAIL SHOPPING....,..,.5 <br /> COMBINA'I'ION (VOL) .. . .. .. 6 <br /> NONE OF ABOVE... ...... ..7 <br /> DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.., ...8 <br /> 7 <br />