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<br /> ) <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . could you tell me how many people in each of the following age <br /> groups live in your household. Let's start oldest to <br /> youngest, and be sure to include yourself.... <br /> 118. Persons over 65? <br /> 119. Adults over 18? <br /> 120. School-aged children? <br /> 121. presohoolers? <br /> 122. Do you own or rent your present OWN.................... .1 <br /> residenoe? RENT, .. . . . . t ;. , ;. ;. . ;. ;. ;. .. . ;. , . 2 <br /> REFUSED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 <br /> 123. Which of the following categories 18 - 24.................1 <br /> contains your age, please? 25 - 34.................2 <br /> 35 -""..,3 <br /> 45 - 54.....;...;..............;. 4 <br /> 55 - 64.................5 <br /> 65 AND OVER....,t. .tl t..6 <br /> REFUSED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 <br /> . 124. which of the following best SINGLE FAMILY HOME......1 <br /> describes your present residence? DUPLEX/DOUBLE BUNGALOW..2 <br /> (READ CHOICES #1-#6.) 3-PLEX OR 4-PLEX... .....3 <br /> APARTMENT BUILDING OF <br /> 5-9 UNITS..........4 <br /> APARTMENT BUnDING OF <br /> 10 OR MORE UNITS...S <br /> MOBILE HOME... ..... .....6 <br /> OTHER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 <br /> DON'T KNOW/REFuSED. .....8 <br /> 125. What is the last grade of LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL...1 <br /> education you completed? HIGH SeHOOL GRADUATE....2 <br /> VO-TECH SCHOOL..... .....3 <br /> SOME COLLEGE.. ...... ....4 <br /> COLLEGE GRADUATE.... ....5 <br /> POST-GRADUATE.......... .6 <br /> REFUSED. .. . ;." . . ., t ... . . .;. .7 <br /> 126. What is your occupation and, if applioable, the occupation <br /> of your spouse? <br /> M: F: <br /> 127. Do you and/or your spOuse, if RESPONDENT ONLy.... .....1 <br /> . applicable, work in Arden Hills? SPOUSE ONLY.. ......., ...2 <br /> BOTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 <br /> NEITHER.... ~.......... ..4 <br /> DON'T KNOW/REFUSED.., ...5 <br /> 15 <br />