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<br /> . 74. If the city cannot procure all of yES.................... .l <br /> the Arsenal property, should it NO........................................ .2 <br /> attempt to purchase parts of it? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......3 <br /> There has been some discussion about the need for a new City Hall <br /> and Public Works Building. The present city Hall is about forty <br /> years old, provides inadequate office space, needs major repairs, <br /> and has been cited for building code violations. <br /> 75. Do you favor or oppose the cons- STRONGLY FAVOR..........1 <br /> truction of a new City Hall? FAVOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 <br /> (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And, do you OPPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 <br /> feel strongly that way? STRONGLY OPPOSE.........4 <br /> DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......5 <br /> 76. Should a new city Hall just con- yES.................... .l <br /> tain city offices or should it be NO..................... .2 <br /> a multi-use facility in which DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......3 <br /> space can be rented to other <br /> government bodies, such as the <br /> School District? <br /> 77. Should a new City Hall be placed CURRENT SITE............1 <br /> at the current site or in some OTHER SITE..............2 <br /> other part of the community? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......3 <br /> . IF "OTHER PART OF COMMUNITY," ASK: <br /> 78. Where would you like to see a new city Hall built? <br /> Several cities in the Metropolitan Area have built community <br /> centers adjoining their city halls. Would you strongly favor, <br /> somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose, a community <br /> center addition which contained.... <br /> StF SmF SmO sto DKR <br /> 79. Meeting rooms for community <br /> groups? 1 2 3 4 5 <br /> 80. Athletic facilities, such as <br /> a gymnasium or exercise rooms? I 2 3 4 5 <br /> 81- An indoor swimming pool? 1 2 3 4 5 <br /> 82. Would you be most likely to favor CITY HALL ALONE.........I <br /> a new City Hall if it stood alone, INCLUDE COM CENTER......2 <br /> included a community center addi- OPPOSE IT...............3 <br /> . tion, or would you oppose it under DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......4 <br /> either condition? <br /> The building of a new city Hall and/or Community Center would <br /> likely require citizens to approve a bond referendum. Property <br /> VERSION 2.1 9 <br /> ____.__n_ <br />