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<br /> .. .. <br /> MINUI'ES OF THE ARDEN HILlS REGUIlIR OOUNCIL MEEI'ING <br /> ~Y, AUGUST 13, 1990, 7:30 P.M. - CITY HALL <br /> . CAlL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Mayor Sather <br /> called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br /> ROLL CAlL 1he roll being called the following members were present: <br /> Mayor 1homas Sather, Council1nembers Nancy Hansen, Paul <br /> Malone, JoAnn Growe and 'lhomas Mahowald. Also present: Attorney Jerry Filla, <br /> Planner John Bergly, Park Director John Buckley, Public Works Supervisor Dan <br /> Winkel, Clerk Administrator Gary Berger and Deputy Clerk Catherine Iago. <br /> AOOPI' REVISED Council was referred to a memorandum from the Clerk <br /> AGENDA 8-13-90 Administrator dated 8-13-90, relative to the revised <br /> agenda, which includes an additional Planning Commission <br /> Item: Case 90-10, Minor SUl:division and Variance, Hamline Avenue and Amble Road, <br /> Meyer/Medlin. <br /> Mahowald moved, seconded by Malone, to adopt the August <br /> 13 Revised Council Agenda, as suJ:rnitted. Motion =ied unan:i1nously. (5-0) <br /> APPROVE Councilmember Malone noted a minor typing error on page <br /> MINUI'ES one of the 7-30-90 Council minutes; 2nd paragraph, 2nd <br /> sentence: change the word "discussion" to "discuss". <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Growe, to approve the July 30 <br /> Council Minutes as co=ected. Motion =ied unanimously. (5-0) <br /> fiNSEN!' Malone moved, seconded by Hansen, to remove Item 4 (g): <br /> . CALENDAR Final Payment and Change Order for Bergerson-Caswell for <br /> Work at Kern Milling site, from the Consent Calendar and <br /> place it under "Unfinished and New Business", Item 6 (h). <br /> Malone moved, seconded by Hansen, to adopt the Consent <br /> Calendar, as amended, and authorize execution of all necessary d=uments <br /> contained therein: <br /> a. Approve Canvassing Request from Teen SUicide Prevention Task Force. <br /> b. Appoint Election Judges for 1990 Primary Election and Approve Pay In=ease. <br /> c. Approve Request to Attend National Park and Recreation Conference. <br /> d. Acknowledge eity Hall Conunittee Report. <br /> e. Rescind Council Action SCheduling Cleveland Avenue :rnprovement Assessment <br /> Hearing 8-28-90. <br /> f. Approve Final Payment and Change Order for HRS eonstruction for Work at Kern <br /> Milling site. <br /> g. Approve List of Clailns and Payroll. <br /> Motion =ied unanimously. (5-0) <br /> PUBLIC <XM1ENTS <br /> ro1PIAINI'; TREE Brad lemberg, 1401 Skiles Lane, appeared before Council <br /> TRIMMING fiNI'RACIOR to discuss his displeasure with the contractor hired by <br /> the City for removal of diseased trees. He stated the <br /> . tree service personnel were uncooperative and lacking in public relations skills. <br /> lemberg stated he called the owner of the company and did not receive a positive <br /> response to his CXJITqllaints regarding personnel. <br />