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<br /> . 88. In general, how well informed are VERY WELL INFORMED......l <br /> you about the Arden Hills park SOMEWHAT INFORMED.......2 <br /> system and facilities. Would you NOT TOO WELL INFORMED...3 <br /> say you are very well informed, NOT AT ALL INFORMED.....4 <br /> somewhat informed, not too well DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......5 <br /> informed, or not at all informed? <br /> The Arden Hills park system is composed of neighborhood parks and <br /> trails. <br /> 89. How often do you visit or use an FREQUENTLY..............I <br /> Arden Hills park or recreational OCCASIONALLY............2 <br /> facility -- frequently, occasion- RARELY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 <br /> ally, rarely, or never? NEVER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 <br /> DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......5 <br /> 90. How would you rate park and rec- EXCELLENT...............l <br /> reational facilities in Arden GOOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 <br /> Hills -- excellent, good, only ONLY FAIR............... 3 <br /> fair, or poor? POOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 <br /> DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......5 <br /> IF RATING IS GIVEN, ASK: <br /> 9l. Why do you feel that way? <br /> . 92. If you could choose, would you PAVED/ASPHAULT..........I <br /> prefer trails in the city to be UNPAVED/WOODCHIPS.......2 <br /> paved surfaces, with materials DON'T CARE.............. 3 <br /> such as asphault, or unpaved DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......4 <br /> surfaces, with materials such as <br /> woodchips, or don't you care? <br /> 93. Should trails in the city serve PEDESTRIANS ONLY........I <br /> pedestrians only or pedestrians PEDESTR + BICYCL........2 <br /> and bicyclists? SOME OF BOTH (VOL)......3 <br /> DON'T CARE (VOL)....... .4 <br /> DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......5 <br /> 94. Do you feel that the current mix yES.................... .l <br /> of recreational opportunities NO..................... .2 <br /> sufficiently meets the needs of DON'T KNOW/REFUSED......3 <br /> members of your household? <br /> IF "NO," ASK: <br /> 95. What additional recreational opportunities would you <br /> like to see the city of Arden Hills offer residents? <br /> . The Arden Hills Park System has been constructed and maintained <br /> through the use of park dedication fees, and has never required <br /> any type of property tax funding. That financial situation may <br /> change in the future. <br /> VERSION 2.1 11 <br />