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<br /> MINUrES OF THE ARDEN HILLS OJUNCIL WORKSESSION <br /> MONDAY, MAY 21, 1990, 4:30 P.M. - CITY HALL <br /> . CAlL m ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Mayor Sather <br /> called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. <br /> ROLL CAlL The roll being called the following members were present: <br /> Mayor Thomas Sather, Councilmembers Nancy Hansen, Paul <br /> Malone and JoAnn Growe. Absent: councilmember Thomas Mahowald. Also present: Park <br /> Director John Buckley, Public Works Supervisor Dan winkel, Clerk Administrator <br /> Gary Berger and Deputy Clerk Catherine Iago. <br /> KEM MILLING; Mayor Sather referred council to the well abandoronent <br /> WELL ABANDJNMENT discussion continued from the 5-14-90 Council meeting. <br /> Clerk Administrator Berger explained Paul Goudreault and Darrel Oh:m:m, Delta <br /> Enviroronental Consultants, and John Gilbertson, Bergerson-0iswell, were present <br /> to discuss the change order suhnitted for well abandomnent at the Kem Milling <br /> site. <br /> Paul Goudreault reviewed well abandomnent operations to date, and =ent <br /> conditions of wells #3 and #4. He noted there was little information available on <br /> wells #3 and #4 when the bid specifications were compiled. Goudreault explained <br /> the contractor not only found the wells to be deeper than initially estilnated, <br /> but also found sand in the bottom of the wells which will have to be cleaned-out <br /> before proper abandomnent can occur. <br /> Mayor Sather questioned the exact cost for abandomnent of wells #3 and #4. <br /> . Goudreault estilnated the cost for abandomnent of the four wells at $6,000.00 <br /> each; total of approxilnately $24,000.00. <br /> John Gilbertson, representing Bergerson-0iswell, stated he has prepared a cost <br /> estimate for the additional work on wells #3 and #4 to accomplish proper <br /> abandomnent. <br /> There was discussion relative to the differential in the bids received and why <br /> two of the bidders quoted higher costs for the abandomnent of the four wells. <br /> Councilmember Hansen commented that most residential wells in this area are <br /> deeper than the estilnated depth listed in the bid specifications. <br /> councilmember Malone noted that Delta was hired to prepare specification and <br /> receive bids and the change order represents an almost 100% in=ease over the <br /> original bid quote. He also noted that Delta is now requesting additional fees <br /> for services which it appears were outlined in their original contract. <br /> Goudreault stated that the scope of services have changed from the original <br /> contract entered into with the city; additional services include attendance at <br /> meetings, contacting Public Health Services to determine if steps could be <br /> el:i1ninated in the state requirements for abandomnent which would save the city <br /> money. <br /> . Mayor Sather suggested the contractor, Delta Enviromnental and the City share the <br /> cost overage in the change order and additional fees charged by Delta for <br /> expanded services. <br /> Gilbertson explained it is difficult for a c..ontractor to suhnit a bid quote which <br /> includes all conditions which could exist; noted he did not expect to find sand <br /> in wells #3 and #4 and the depth of the wells is still undetermined until the <br /> sand is removed. He suggested charging the City on a "time and materials" basis, <br /> _._---------"""+-- +-...... ""'....;r,.....,...,,....,,..::J +-'h..... ......"h,::.'l-"'V'fCl. r...y....~cn... :::l'TTV""'\11l"'lt- <br />