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<br /> Minutes of the Arden Hills Council Worksession, 5-21-90 <br /> Page 3 <br /> KEM MILLING; Council reconvened for discussion on the Kem Milling . <br /> CHANGE ORDER site change order request from Bergerson-caswell for <br /> well abandonment. <br /> Paul Gouderault and John Gilbertson proposed additional funding l:e authorized by <br /> Council in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00 and the entire well abandonment <br /> project would l:e billed on a time and materials basis. It was also suggested that <br /> Celta Environmental will provide oversight for the well abandonment at no <br /> additional consulting cost to the city, other than the costs originally outlined <br /> in the scope of work for the project. <br /> Council con=ed with the recommendation and requested Celta subnit a letter, <br /> outlining the above tenus, and staff was directed to place this mtter on the <br /> Consent Agenda for the Regular council meeting held 5-29-90. Council requested <br /> Celta representatives review the time and mterial invoices subnitted from <br /> Bergerson-caswell for all work at the site and provide the Council with a <br /> summary . <br /> NEIGHBORHOOD MIG; Clerk Administrator Berger subnitted a "draft" agenda <br /> S'IDWE AVE/KATIE for the Neighl:;orhooJ Meeting scheduled on May 31, to <br /> LAMEr EASEMENTS discuss the easement en=oachments on Katie Lane and <br /> Stowe Avenue, for Council review and comment. <br /> Public Works Supervisor Winkel advised he will give a visual presentation of the <br /> easement encroachments and discuss methods of eliminating the problems. <br /> Council suggested Winkel also explain the nec.essity for "preventive mintenance" . <br /> to resldents. <br /> It was also suggested that Attorney Filla l:e present at the meeting. <br /> Council con=ed to invite Attorney Filla to attend the Neighl:;orhood Meeting, to <br /> direct staff to determine a plan for elimination of en=oachments after the <br /> meeting, and to schedule a follow-up meeting with residents within 60 days to <br /> discuss those en=oachments which need to l:e removed immediately and provide a <br /> timetable for removal of renBining en=oachments. <br /> Council further directed Public Works Supervisor Winkel to have enployees mark <br /> the easement along the rear property lines in this area a few days prior to the <br /> meeting in order for residents to view the en=oachments. <br /> COUNCIL CU1MENTS <br /> BUSSARD COURJ'; Council1nember Growe questioned the status of the Bussard <br /> EASEMENT PROBLEM Court easement en=oachment. <br /> Clerk Administrator Berger advised Engineer Maurer is reviewing the situation. <br /> UPDATE; CITY HAlL Council1nember Malone reported on the City Hall Cormnittee <br /> CCM1ITTEE MEETrnG and reviewed the agendas for upcoming meetings. <br /> REFDRr; FlDWER Mayor Sather reported on the "Flower Power" campaign . <br /> POWER CAMPAIGN breakfast and explained there was a gooJ turnout for <br /> BREAKFAST the breakfast, however, the plantings were not =npleted <br /> due to weather =nditions. <br />