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<br />,,- <br /> 2::J7M-RK.llll .and WaN.,. at M.chl.nlc..' Ll.n. w,,,.... ._. . _. .......-.. <br />I~ RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANICS' LIEN RIGHTS <br /> (Approvoo by Wnn&apoli.. Real &tate Board) <br /> N. B.-It l.a Important thlLt Ul. fOllowJnc dJrecUon. b. elo~el}' followed U otherwlJll the receipt WILL NOT BE <br /> 1. ~~:r.r~Di..EOAt. INSTRUMENT ILnd mu..t be exe.;:utell 8.Ceorl.llngly by oalee,.,. of (:orporlL~lon. and by . <br />I :z Wf~~::::~~~fth~terA~ihe bl&nk. be com leted and the AMOUNT PAID BE SHOWN. . <br /> 3' It JllLyment III not in full to date 110 IIt.l1.te irHOW UNPAiD ElALANCI!l and IItrlke out IIIIIt three ILnu. <br /> .: A receipt IIlmlllLr to thlll or legal 'walver 2 Uen riCl1b1 will lJe requlroo. lor all plwnblng. heaUng- &nd plut<1Jr- <br /> ~. 1i1Q ml~~~IiE~tcOR ALTERATIONS ;W;UST BE MADE. <br /> i:"P/ ' 9GJ <br /> __............._...._.._ ......_._............._....__............,...... 19........_.._ <br /> (Date) <br /> The underaitned ack1WlI.:led~C8 kavin1 received. payment of -. ................... ..............-..---....-...-.-.................."............. <br /> &!.~,~..::/L,!.~,It..Ufl.~J~;;;;,'.p;:jdi.m""",.....".,."...," .."....m'.IJOLL.1RS, ($.2?2~~Q.0.;0 <br /> From .""{,'2,..."..i!t2o.5.i!:/l.e..!..!:..?!.~=c.::m"m..m" "m "mm mm",.""".' "...", m""......"".,.in flln paym~nt of <br /> aU "........f(12!L,.ry/"""d~;Z{:,~:~'.~:),....,.,..,...,.. .."....,.,.." .."..,.",.., ...-....................................................................... <br /> (Kind or Mll.terJiIU or lAbor) <br /> by the undersigned delivered or fu,/'ni.~hed to (or perf(Jl'lncd (Lt) ...................................................."................... ............. <br /> _.,__.,_.....,_,i{:!.f_:_/?::..~~_~.I!!~"m.'.''"._,-'"_.,,-,,_., <br /> -.... .....................................................,....................-...-.............................................-........................-...... ...........................-....-..-...-...---..-........... <br /> (Street Juldre.. or Legal Dellcrlptlon) <br /> and for valu-e received hereby waives an ri~hts which may have been acquired- by the- u.ndersi~ned to <br /> file meehan-to's li..en aiflinst said premises for labor, skiU or material furnished to said premises priar <br /> to thelULleh"'''f. a' , '; ;Liz.~ <br /> PLUMBING, HEATING and PLASTERING Jk:.& -, ... );J::fj,.....::J.i212f..L_.,_C{!.c.c, -&:::::r,~tL ' <br /> contractors must sign statement on reverse BY...~..i...-- .i:t-:.f.LL.-..../"tt.Cf:.L:.U:../.................... <br /> hereof. 0f'tf-{/~' <br /> ~~~,:=:...,..f.~~t.~.~-:J.;;~~;2~.:'.:.:::.... <br /> . <br /> For'll No. 237M - Receipt and Waiver 01 MeChanics' Lien Walle'S Sootheo <br /> RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANICS' LIEN RIGHTS <br /> (Approv~<.l by Mi~n~apolis Rul Estate Board) <br /> N.ll. - It is important that the fallowing direction~ be closely followed as otherwise the receipt WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. <br /> 1. This is a LEGAL [NSTRUMENT and must be executed accordingly by officers of corporations and by pal1ners in co'partnerships. <br /> 2. It is important that ALL the blanks be completed and the AMOUNT PAID BE SHOWN. <br /> 3. If payment is not in full to date, so state. SHOW UNPAID BALANCE, and strike aut last three lines. <br /> 4. A receipt similar to this or kgal waivcr of lien rights will be requircd for all plumbing, heating and plastering materials. etc. <br /> 5. NO ERASURES OR ALTERATIONS MUST BE MADE. <br /> The unde~igned acknowledges having received payment of <br /> rV/l.-~.j 0fu, ) <br /> II.R.3 (AmountPaidJ <br /> From f.. I'JIU<:T.QlIc.-r.:roAJ III/<=' , in full payment of <br /> all ~ jj fl.. _ (Name of Payor) <br /> ~"r 11 ~tAI <br /> (Kind efM.teri,1 or L:>l>or) <br /> by the undersigned delivered or furnished to (or performed at) k'E/n /?Jr Lt :rve: <br /> 6/'1 - /'rti~ 5rl{EET A), t:. <br /> fJp, DEA) HILLS j1))) . 55//;;2. <br /> {SI,<el Addno>c<o' Description) / <br /> and for value received hereby waives all rights which may have been acquired by the undersigned to file <br /> mechanics' lien against said premises for labor, skill or material furnished to said premises prior to the date hereof. <br /> PLUMBING, HEATING and PLASTERING . <br /> contractors must sign statement on reverse ByG" ..o0\. .. 0 Q.Q:~ <br /> hereof. <br /> ""-""'~ 'V,-,.~o,l:l ~"t'''\\:'b <br /> (Tnle) <br /> Address" 3<\:>, 'l ~~~r-....b ..1 <br /> - <br />