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<br /> (g) Parking. Parking requ.irernents contained in <br /> . Section VI. E. C 1) shall apply. However, these <br /> requirements may be adjusted by the city in the <br /> project reviev..f process '''' the changes v,'ill more <br /> ~~ <br /> effectively accomplish the stated purpose of the <br /> GB District, and subject to the follmling: <br /> 1. Parking structures shall maintain the <br /> setbacks required for principal structures. <br /> 2. The exterior finish of parking structures <br /> shall be compatible with the principal <br /> building served by the parking structure. <br /> 3. Surface parking shall maintain a 50-foot <br /> landscaped setback from all public streets <br /> and a 20-foot landscaped area from exterior <br /> project property lines except for access <br /> drives that may cross the setback area. <br /> 4. Landscape islands totalling 15 percent of the <br /> surface of a parking lot shall be used to <br /> divide large parking lots into smaller, more <br /> pleasing spaces. Interior side lot lines <br /> should follow such islands wherever possible. <br /> . 5. The required number of parking spaces may be <br /> adjusted by the city if the developer submits <br /> adequate proof that the standard requ~rements <br /> exceed the actual demand. Proof that the <br /> required number of spaces could be increased <br /> to the number required must be shown to <br /> provide for changes in use or intensity of <br /> use. <br /> 6. Combined or joint surface or structure <br /> parking facilities will be permitted for one <br /> or more buildings and uses if the purposes of <br /> the district will be more effectively <br /> accomplished. If the total number of spaces <br /> in a project do not meet the required number <br /> of spaces, the applicant shall show to the <br /> City's satisfaction that the peak parkina <br /> load will not exceed the number provided. <br /> Such reduction in parking may limit the type <br /> of future occupants or may require expansion <br /> of parking if the parking need increases. <br /> Combined or joint parking shall be reasonably <br /> related to the destination of the user. <br /> (h) Traffic impact study. The city has determined <br /> that the traffic capacity of the interchange at <br /> . I35W and State Highway 96 will impose limitations <br /> on traffic generated with the GB n' -l- . .L- In <br /> ....15 LYle l,... <br /> 9 <br />