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<br />. <br />. <br /> September- ~, 1990 <br /> ...::..b~ <br />. Gar-'/ 8er-ger- <br /> City of i~r-den Hills <br /> 1450 Ll.Jest Highway 96 <br /> Arden Hi 11 s, r1N 55112 <br /> Dear- Mr-. 8er-ger-: <br /> ACOF:N (AssociatiDn of Community Or-ganizations for- Refor-m <br /> Now) , is a national grassr-oots of"(;:Janizati':::ill founded in Little <br /> Rock, Ar- kcclnsas ~ in 1970, and cL\r-r-ently has offices in over half <br /> the ::;tates in the union, including a cha.pter in Minnesota.. ACORN <br /> is register-Ed with the sta.t:e as a not-for--pr-ofit or-gani.2 ati on, <br /> engaged in the busi nes.::s of community organizing.. ACORN or-ganizes <br /> citizens to have mor e of a voice in tough economic and political <br /> issue':=. , e..g.. , se;'i Llal ass5.ul t, u.tility rates~ banking~ and housing. <br /> An integr-al p",r-t of our- success comes f rom our door--to-door- <br /> CaM\l0:9.SS .. The pl_lrpose o'f Ol.-tr canvass i,;;; to inform residents o'f <br /> ACORN's pr'ogr-am and enl i :::::.t suppor-t thr-ough si gnatLu-es on petitions <br /> ,:<nd/or- contr i but i CHlS. <br /> ACORt'~ h-=\s the unique sta.tus of bei ng not -f or--pr-of it, but not <br /> char-itable. ACOPN is not ta,< e}~empt. Because of our unique <br /> situatiQn~ many ordinances governing char-itable or- commercial <br /> solicitation do not ;;pply to our canvass a,cti vi ty. Our- attor-ney <br />. has ad'li ,=,ed us that you~- chari tabl ~ or- commercial solicitation <br /> ordi n.Etnces might not apply to O'-H- c.='.nvass acti \/1 t.....'. However, it <br /> is ACORN's pol 1 c'y' to provide 1 oc a 1 officials with all of the <br /> necessar"l information tD conduct: an orderl'l first ammendment <br /> pr'ocess. Accor-dingly, please find the following enclosed: <br /> ** A letter- from the ACORN attm-ney r-egar-ding canvassing <br /> ** A descr-iption of ACORN's canvassing program <br /> ** A 1 ist of our employees who wi 11 be canv.a.ssi ng <br /> ** ACORN's r-egistr-ation as a not-for--pr-ofit corporation <br /> ** Sample p"'tition and flyer- carried by canvas.:;ers <br /> Th", hour-s of our canvas:::::. ar-", fr-om 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. <br /> "ieekdays, and 10:00 a..m.. to 4:00 p.m. Satur-days. We e,,,pect to <br /> begin OLlr program on or- about I'~ovember 1 1990 thr-ough November <br /> . , <br /> 30, 1990. <br /> I aSSL\me this is all we need to do concerning these matters. <br /> However, if "lOll belie~ie you have any ordinances that apply to our- <br /> pr-ogr-am - and that this packet does not adequately r-espond to the <br /> ,,,stab 1 i shed reqLtirements - please send me a letter- to the effect, <br /> ,.i th copies of the r-elevent ordinances, at your- earliest <br /> convenience.. ACOR~j pr-efer-s to resolve these matter'5 in a fr-iendly <br /> fashion, without recourse to litigatiDn~ if possible. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> .', '--::J <br /> ..J/L.~-;"U:,~.., /~'- ;, <br />. c/-, <br /> Shar-on Rubin <br /> Minn",sota ACOPN Can'../ass Director <br />