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<br /> through the use of park dedication fees, and has never required <br /> any type of property tax funding. That financial situation may <br /> change in the future. <br /> 96. Would you favor or oppose a prop- STRONGLY FAVOR........22% . <br /> erty tax increase to maintain and FAVOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33% <br /> improve the park system? (WAIT OPPOSE................19% <br /> FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel STRONGLY OPPOSE.......20% <br /> strongly that way? DON'T KNOWjREFUSED.....7% <br /> IF "STRONGLY FAVOR" OR "FAVOR," ASK: <br /> 97. How much would you be willing NOTHING................1% <br /> to see your property taxes $10.00............... .17% <br /> increase per year? Let's $20.00............... .12% <br /> say, would you be willing to $30.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9% <br /> see a yearly increase of $40.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5% <br /> $ ? (CHOOSE RANDOM START- $50.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7% <br /> ING LEVEL; MOVE UP OR DOWN $60.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3% <br /> DEPENDING ON ANSWER.) How DON'T KNOW.............5% <br /> about $_? (REPEAT PROCESS) REFUSED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0% <br /> Changing topics.... <br /> 98. Do you approve or disapprove of STRONGLY APPROVE......16% <br /> charitable gambling in Arden Hills APPROVE........ .......23% <br /> establishments? (WAIT FOR RE- DISAPPROVE........... .15% <br /> SPONSEl And do you feel strongly STRONGLY DISAPPROVE...36% <br /> that way? DON'T KNOWjREFUSED....11% . <br /> The city raises $110,000.00 per year through taxes on charitable <br /> gambling activities. <br /> 99. Would you support the elimination YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27% <br /> of charitable gambling in the city NO....................64% <br /> even if property taxes would have DON'T KNOWjREFUSED.....9% <br /> to be raised or city services cut <br /> to make up the difference? <br /> Some people feel that neighborhood improvements should be paid <br /> for only by the people directly affected in the area. Others <br /> feel that neighborhood improvements should be paid for by general <br /> city funds, since property values across the city are indirectly <br /> impacted. For each of the following improvements, please tell me <br /> if you think that only property owners in the area, or the entire <br /> city should pay.... <br /> AREA CITY BOTH DKRF <br /> 100. Street lighting? 30% 47% 20% 3% <br /> 10I. Sidewalks? 41% 38% 20% 5% <br /> 102. Street reconstruction? 15% 61% 21% 3% . <br /> 12 <br /> '--- <br /> '"" <br /> i <br />