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<br /> 2. Should any dispute occu~ between the pa~ties a~ising out of <br /> . o~ ~elated to this Ag~eement, o~ thei~ ~ights and <br /> ~esponsibili ties to each othe~, the pa~ties ag~ee to submit <br /> the matte~ to mediation. The mediation shall be conducted <br /> by a mediato~ mutually ag~eed upon by the pa~ties. The <br /> pa~ties shall attempt in good faith to ~esolve the dispute <br /> by mediation. Howeve~, if they fail to do so afte~ a <br /> ~easonable pe~iod of time, not to exceed 30 days afte~ <br /> w~itten notice by one pa~ty to the othe~ of the dispute, the <br /> pa~ties may pu~sue othe~ ~emedies to enfo~ce thei ~ rights. <br /> 3. The Ramsey County She~iff's Office shall submit to the <br /> MUNICIPALITY monthly activity ~epo~ts detailing the <br /> activities of the sheriff's office within the MUNICIPALITY. <br /> Said ~epo~ts shall contain at least the numbe~ of calls <br /> answe~ed and the numbe~ of tickets issued. <br /> 4. Any a1te~ations, va~iations, modifications, o~ waive~s of <br /> p~ovisions of this Ag~eement shall only be valid when they <br /> have been ~educed to w~iting, signed by autho~ized <br /> ~ep~esentatives of the COUNTY and the MUNICIPALITY and <br /> attached to the o~iginal of this Ag~eement. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of A~den Hills, by ~esolution <br /> duly adopted by its Gove~ning Body, has caused this Ag~eement to be <br /> . signed by its Mayo~ and Cle~k Administ~ato~ and the seal of the <br /> MUNICIPALITY to be affixed he~eto on the day of <br /> , 19 , and the County of Ramsey by <br /> ~esolution of its Boa~d of COUNTY Commissione~s, has caused these <br /> p~esents to be subsc~ibed by the Chai~ and Executive Sec~eta~y of said <br /> Boa~d and the seal of said Boa~d to be affixed the~eto and attested by <br /> the said Boa~d on the day of , 19 . <br /> COUNTY OF ORAMSEY CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> By: By: <br /> Hal No~ga~d, Chai~ <br /> Boa~d of County Commissione~s Its: Mayo~ <br /> . <br /> -5- <br />