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<br /> Descriptive Terminology <br />~ ~l~ Des;gnal;on D 2487 -- 83 <br />Standard Test Method tor . <br />CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES <br />r-------'--- PARTICLE SIZE IDENTIFICATION <br /> SOIlClASSlFICMION <br /> CRITERIA FOx ASSIGNING GROUP SY~BOLS AND mou' <br /> GIlQUP NAMES USING iABC*lATI)H TESTS' SYMBOL GROUPNA/'.Eb Boulders .................. over 12" <br /> , I Cobbles. . ....... 3"to 12"' <br /> ~o GH~HS CLEAN GRA~lL5 ! Cu > 4 and I <: Cc ( 3 ~ "" 'oIel1_g"dedgrave1f Gravel <br /> ~., i'\;)re th~" SC~ of le,s th~n 51 ";ne' <: , - "~"" "Po:;;;-graded gr~"el f j <br /> ~~E COM,. fraction I Cu < 4 ~nd/or 1 > Ct > 3 e " Coarse ................... :y~,. - 3" <br /> ret.ineoon <br /> W L _ ~. 4 sieve GRAVElSWIlHF:NES IFine<cl."if .,MlcrMH "' Silt r,velf,g,h l Fine. .......................... NO.4 - 3;:," <br /> ~ ...: I I'.oce th.n_ 1?:_.f_i_~~.'-.c~,~!~':.._Cl."if)' ., Cl or eH GC Cloyey g,".~' f ,g,h Sand <br /> ;;,!5':c ~ell-9rbdedSA"_d\~ <br /> co '" ~ S AN 0 <, " Coarse... . NO.4- NO.10 <br /> ~ 2 # 501: or""'re of 1m C~~~~ ~~N~~nes 0 I Cu ::.. 6 and I ~.C( ~ 3 e ..... <br /> ~+- COar,. fracUM ICu<6and(orl>Cc)3" se PoorlygrMed sand" I Medium .... No. 10 - No. 40 <br /> " ~ passes No. ~ <br /> 8 ~ sleye S~NOS WIH FINES 1 Fin.< c1"sifv os i'lL or IlH >< Silt sand9.h.i I Fine. .... .... .... No. 40 - No, 200 <br /> !'ore than 12~ fines ~ Fine$ C laS$ if J' 1$ Cl or CH ;0 ClaJ"J' Hnd 9,h,i Silt. ...................... No. 200 - .005 mm <br /> I I PI)landplntsonorilbove " Leanctay..I,m I Clay less than .005 mm <br /> SILTS AND CLA', I inor~anic "A"lineJ ! .... ...... <br /> N U~uid limit I PI <4 or plot< oelo.. "A" lioej Sllt.,l,m <br /> "' <br /> ~; 1,,1 tha" 50~ i RELATIVE DENSITY OF <br /> ! organic I l. iquid _ oven dried IXganlcclayl,l,""n! COHESIONLESS SOILS <br /> - L'ouid I""'t - not dned <0,15 "' Ctr-g,nic ,I It ~. I, m, 0 i <br /> ,------.-- <br /> 0_ I PI plot' on or obove ..~.. line '" Fot cloy <,I,m I very loose ........,. """..".. ' 0- 4 BPF <br /> S ~ L TS I,NO CL~ YS incrg,nic ~-' ---.,-. --~-- loose. . ..... _........... _..............5 - 10 BPF <br /> , medium dense ..... ..... 11 - 30 BPF <br /> , Li qu I d ~ im i I i PI plot'belo.."A" line '" tlHU, silt ",l,m <br /> , 50~ or more dense........... . . . ...... . .... .. . ...... . 31 - 50 BPF <br /> i clqUld limit - oven dried < 0 15 oe O>-ganicclay<,I,m,p very dense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . 50+ BPF <br /> organlc L I ui ~ 1 imlt - not dried . o..ani"ilt<,I,m,q <br /> Primari I y or9a~ ie m~t ler, d~rl in COlor, and e< Pen ! <br /> HIghly or~ar,ic ,0',1, organkooor CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS <br /> '. 8asec 00 the material ~ass;ng the 3-in (IS-11m) ,ieve. very soft..... .... ..,...... 0- 1 BPF <br /> " If fjel~ Hrr,p\e contained CObble, 'nd!or boulder$, ldd '"ith cobbles ond/or boulder<" to g~oup n""e. soft ........ . . . . . . . . . ......2- 3 BPF <br /> Gravel, ..,th \ to 12~ fioe, require d"al symbolS <br /> Qj - GM .. e ~ 1 grid e d gray e 1 h silt rather soft ..................... ...., 4- 5 BPF <br /> Qj-GC ...Ilgr'dedgravel..ith,lay medium.... .... .. . . . ... ".. ............, 6- 8 BPF <br /> GP.GM poorly ~r3ded gra'el ..i th $ilt <br /> " ~~~~G~i t~Or i~ 1~n~n~~a;:~u~~~" d~~~J ~)'l\bo I ~ rather stiff. .... ......... ..,9-12BPF <br /> ,W_SM ..e\l 9rd~ed sand "ith ,ilt stiff ..... ....... ...... 13-16BPF <br /> $;I_SC ..ellgrodedsand"ithcloy very stiff .1?~.~ <br /> SP-SM poorly ~raded saM ..ith silt ..... .... ........ <br /> SP.SC ~Mrly graded ..n~ ..ith ,Joy hard <br /> C. (D30)2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... <br /> .. , "-060/010 c~ <br /> L If soil contains > lS1:sand,add "with,.nd. tQ groupr....... DRILLING NOTES <br /> .' Ir fine, cla<<;ry-.' CL-IoIL, u,~ du.1 symbol GC_GM, SC-SM. <br /> .. If fioe, .~. org.nk, ood 'wlth o~g.nk fin,,- to ~'oup n;yne. <br /> '. If ,oil contoin~ ) lS~ ~ravel, add "..ith gravel" to group n""'e. <br /> ,. If Atterberg limiE plot in hatched area, ,oil i, a CL-IoIL, ~i\ty ,hy. Standard penetration test borings were Bdvanced by 31;:''' or 6%" <br /> L If,oi\ contain, 15 to 291 plu, No. 200, add "..ith Slnd" or "..ithgro.el" 'oIhiChe.erispre<lMlinant. <br /> L If soil contains ) JO~ plu~ NQ. lOO, p~edMlinantly "nd. odd "sandy" to group OllRe. I. D. hollow~stem augers unless noted otherwise. Jetting water was <br /> '. If ,oil c~nt,i"~ '5' JO~ plus No. '00, predcminantly gra.el, 3dd "graYelly" to group name. used to clean out auger prior to sampling only where indicated on <br /> .. PI> 4 and plots an Or lIbo.e "A. line. <br /> 0, PI Z 4 Or ~l~ts oelo.. "/1." line. logs. Standard penetration test borings are designated by the <br /> " PI plots on or ollove.A'line. <br /> ,. PI plot~ belo~ "A" line. prefix "ST' (Split Tube). <br /> 60 / Power auger borings were advanced by 4" or 6" diameter, <br /> For closs If Icot '00 of f'~e-qrOlned so liS conlinuous-flit8, solid stem augers, Soil classification and strain <br /> and flne.QrOI~ed frQct Ion of coar5e.qro,ned depths are inferred from disturbed samples augered to the surface <br />H 50 SOils and are therefore somewhat approximate. Power auger borings <br />~ Equation of '~,: -line are designated by the prefix "B". <br />x Horlzontol ot PI~4 to LL~25 5, I <br />w then PI-O.73lll-201 Hand probings were advanced manually with a 1':/2" diameter <br />0 .0 <br />z Equot1onof"U"-;'ne probe and are limited to the depth from which the probe can be <br />- VertlcolatLl=16toPI=7 I manually withdrawn. Hand probings are indicated by the prefix <br />>- thenPI"'09{Ll-BI i I <br />': 3D "H" <br />u , SAMPLING - All samples are taken with the standard 2" 0.0, <br />e: I <br />'" split tube sampler, except where noted. TW indicates thin-wall <br />., '0 (undisturbed) sample, <br />~ MH DR OH <br />"- I <br /> I BPF - Numbers indicate blows per foot recorded in standard <br /> '0 penetration lest, also known as "N" value. The sampler is set 6" <br /> , C -M MLROL into undisturbed soil below the hollow-stem auger. Driving <br /> . -- resistances are then counted for second and third 6"' increments <br /> DO I and added to get BPF. Where they differ significantly, they are <br /> '0 1620 '0 40 50 60 '0 ao 90 '00 liD <br /> LIQUID LIMIT (LU reported in the following form - 2/12 lor the second and third 6" <br /> increments respectively. <br /> WH - WH indicates that sampler penetrated soil under weight of <br /> hammer and rods alone. driving not required. <br /> LABORATORY TESTS NOTE - All tests run in accordance with apPlicableti' <br /> standards. <br />DO Dry Density, pef OC Organic Content, % <br />WD Wet Density, pef S Percent of Saturation, '% l BRIIun'l <br />MC Natural Moisture Content, % SG Specific Gravity <br />LL Liquid Limit, % C Cohesion <br />PL Plastic Limit, % \ZI Angle of !nternal Friction <br />PI Plasticity Index, % qu Unconfined Compressive Strength <br />