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<br /> ~(l/c'tL II/I? /90 <br />. Gary R. BergEr <br /> City .AcJmr. Re: 33..30-, 23.,24- 0063-7 <br /> City of "'.Iden Hills 1898 tbble Rd. <br /> 1450 W. Highway 96 ElJns Addition <br /> Arden Hills, Mn. 55112 Lot 7 B1L 4 <br /> Dmr Mr. Becger: <br /> serd me a copy of the proposEd budget to my address as follows; <br /> Charles Cherowetl1. 2849 E. Adobe MESa, Az. 85213 <br /> My corrments aLout the proposal incrEases are probably outrage that <br /> an almost 31% ircrEase this ymr (proposEd) arrl similar incrffisES in <br /> the past fEW ymrs effECtiVely will ,ever.mally force all retirEd pmple <br /> out of their h:Jmes. Those of us on a fixe:1 incane woo had tl1e foresight <br /> to p3.y off our Innes tolive in at retirenent, simply canmt keep p3.yirq <br /> more ffich YEar in taxES (of every variety) arx:1 still keEp up with all t.,,-e <br /> other expensES nECESsary to mainta:i11 a rormal lifEStyle. <br /> MinnESota is one of the highest taxe:1 states in the =ur:try arx:1 even <br /> th::>ugh the lifEStyle may be grEat there is a limit::: Vn1e1l are you <br /> elECted officials goirr:j to try to uroerstam. tlBt more money is rot <br /> always the answer. Scmetimes better utilization of ones resource.s <br /> arx:1 same old fashionEd frugalnESs is in order. <br />. How much of thi,s money is for salary :incrffises at the 3 levels?? If <br /> any is, "'That,arout those of us who do rot get :=alary any <br /> 10rr:jer? How much is for moreF?Aoi@@ protECtion? How much is to <br /> :inprove the corrlition of the lakes? (keepirr:j in mind the huge arrouts of money <br /> the lottery p.1ts :into t.1"e state coffers-is any of t.'<is used at the local <br /> level?) <br /> We all have to tighten our belts :in this day arx:1 age anI it seans that maybe <br /> some of our elECtEd officials krDvl only one way to do it--RAISE TAXES:: <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Charles H. ChemwEV!' ~ <br /> ~"~) , <br /> e1:~" 1b0--C"dJ[' \ <br /> ,- - /, <br /> ,.:Y", .-' "", .-,'.. ~- <br /> JT= & Cfwoo CIie1UJWet/i -,-",,' ".--," . '," <br /> ERS r?~fi\l '..;,,".\ ,--~,' ,. "..-....--'-< <br />, C"~ )S <br /> 2849 'E. 5!d06e . <~ <br /> 'Mesa, 5tZ 85213 ;\.~ is 1>>1 ..~~/ ......,~; '."'::.;:;0, <br /> -' -~. .-"'" .,.,. <br /> ,"~.,... -'" . ,.,~ <br />- &~'_:~~_'~~:'~'~>/ ~f- - ....":,::::::.,:~ <br /> , <br /> '-'- I <br />. <br /> Mr. Gary R. Berger <br /> City Admn. <br /> City of Arden Hills <br />