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<br /> , <br /> t <br />. November 11, 1990 <br /> To: City of Arden Hills <br /> I am outraged at the procedure you have chosen to <br /> announce your budget proposals. Althought you, at least this <br /> year, did give this much notice. Why is it held back until <br /> after the elections? Why is it not released when the issues <br /> can be publically debated and when we can determine where <br /> the candidates stand on the proposals? Why do I have to come <br /> to you to find out the reasons for the proposed increases? <br /> The answers seem obvious; you wanted to avoid direct <br /> personal accountability by a PERSON and to make - it more <br /> difficult to get information! <br /> The letter you sent could have provided the same <br /> information; advise me that a proposed budget would be <br /> printed in a public paper I can obtain along with a date of <br /> publication and some reasons by the bureaucrate (signed) <br /> about their reasons for the proposal. In case you did miss <br /> the results of the last few elections, increasing taxes is <br />. not automatically acceptable and you must be more forthright <br /> in justifications. I am not automatically against raising <br /> taxes but am strongly opposed to this proposal especially in <br /> light of your tactics! ! ! <br /> For all I know, you want more slush fund money and for <br /> me to find out more information I must make accommodations <br /> for your convenience to have any input. I rej ect your <br /> ultimatum and hope someone besides parttime help does review <br /> these letter because the "bosses are flying first class to <br /> fancy resorts for IIconferences and inspections'111 . <br /> As for your needs; look around you, most every private <br /> enterprise and their work force are making accommodations on <br /> the biggest cost, employee costs. What, if anything, has the <br /> government employees been asked to do? Is the government <br /> managers manipulating the public by cutting back services to <br /> make their point without any effort for productivity <br /> improvements or other al ternati ves? I want accountability, I <br /> want names, I want results. Not simply increasing last year <br /> by X% to cover employee salary increases and fancy trips. I <br /> request a summary statement why the increases and what major <br /> efforts have resulted in better programs. <br />. ~~"~ 1t4tr /3 (1 /t~ u;,,~ Ii- <br /> Andrew W. Wolf /!tv!!", ?!?;e~ ,#4..- S -rr( J--. <br /> --. <br />