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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />Page FOUl" <br /> <br />Wlinutes of R(JbL,lal:' COlJ.llfu]. j~EiC GinG <br /> <br />J"UIl8 25" 1965 <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Sewer Rate Ordinance Amendment <br />'11he s'econd reading on this amendment was delayed fol:' for'GhGl:' S'GUdY0 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Ol:'dinance No. 85 Amendment <br />Trustee Lang moved, seconded by Trustee Nethercuti. thot the rules be <br />waived and the second and final reading be given to an Ol:dinance <br />amending Ordinance No. 85 to substitute the 1964 safe.GY code for <br />mechanical refrigeration as the standard for mechanical l:'efl:'igeration <br />systems; motion oarried. <br /> <br />Request for Sewer for Trailer Court <br />Clerk Lorraine S'Gromquist informed the Council thnt Ml'. Fred Kosslck, <br />owner of the trailer court on Highway No.8, had inquil:'ad as to tho <br />possibility of having sewer facilities installed for the trailer court; <br />if this is not feasible. then he will consider clearing "Gl-le trail'31'S <br />and selling the property for industrial use. Trustee Crepeau stated <br />that the area is too difficult for sewer installation. <br /> <br />Trustee Nethel:'cut informed the Council that this area is designated <br />as general commercial in the Comprehensive Plan. The Council felt <br />this to be a more desirable use of the land and referred the matter <br />to TrusteeNethel'cut 'GO contact Mr. Kosslak and suggest th."t he <br />appear belore the Planning Commission. <br /> <br />19bo Budget Figures <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist rer<uested that figures for the HJ66 Village <br />budget be submitted by August 1 for preparation of the budget by the <br />Clerk with study by the Finance Committee to follow. She informed <br />the Council that the Finance Committee has scheduled a meeting <br />for July 14 at which till.e 'Ghey will consider val'iol1s plans for <br />:Pinancing proposed land purchase as recommended by the rJ L.~~. <br />Csmm-'ea::'sR... - 4- <br /> <br />Claims <br />Trustee Crepeau moved. seconded by Trustee Lang. that the claims. <br />as presented and attached, be paid; motion carried. <br /> <br />Ad .i OUl'nmen t <br />Meeting ad~ourned at 10:15 p.m. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />/~ <br />(" /. <br />F. Kennedy <br />Mayor <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Lorraine Stromquis' <br />Administrative Cle <br /> <br /> <br />=4.. <br />