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<br />,.. <br /> <br />. (~! <br />1f~1f/" <br /> <br />j, ~/~ .",' -;" <br /> <br />...; <br /> <br />STATE OF rltWII'.SO'l'A <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />VILLAGE OF' .AJ:DEIl HILIB <br /> <br />HESOLUTION ADVISING WGISL1\TU1,E OF PREF'Ef;.E:t~CE :m <br />lilillISTltlC'l'ING FOR ELECTrOll OF' B'rATB SEflATORS <br /> <br />W!IERJZMl. 'i the Minnesota, Legislature is Pl'es8ntly eODsldek'..,;. <br />ing lee1S10tloh to redistrict the stateot Minnesota to provIdo <br />more equal l'epresentaUon 1n the, SeDste and House 10 p,roporil1oQ <br />to populstlona:among the V81'101.18 dlstr1ots,.entl <br /> <br />" <br />lIIliliIlEAS, 'certain legislation hna been pi'OpQsod 1'01' the <br />:redIstriotlng of the l:101't11 BuburbaDs:t'eB of flameey County, out- <br />si, de the Sf:;. Paul 01 ty 11m1 ts, Md <br />" . " - . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />WiUiliEAS.!: some proposals 1'01' .suohredillt1'1ot1,ng call f01" , <br />senatorial dIstriots inoluding put of 13he north. subUl'baD <br />diet1'lct and, part of theClty 01' St. Paul, and <br />-imEr1EAS., the Counoil of A1'dsn HUla Wis hJ,ly discussed <br />flhe matter. 18i1 gene~a1l7 aWBre of the poalt1on (:If the l'cs1del'lu <br />afAr-don m.ll.!~ on th!.smattel', and bel1eveslb uadvlsable' to <br />Inform tho LeQslature ot ,its thoughts on tb1e matter, <br />" UOW T lEFOREBE IT RESOL'IIlID. bhat1tls the considered <br />.1ndgmen 0 Couno ntel'ost end weJ.te.l'O of' the <br />north eub1U<boD: 81'ea of'- IiaDl8{}y County. and ~1't1cultt1'ly that of <br />the Vlllago ot. ~den raue, would be ~st fl(lrved by l'ed18trlot~ <br />ing legislation Which would result in the foShiotlon ot two <br />s6notor1al distrIcts 1n the north suburban area of Ramsey Co~ty_ <br />wh1ch ooootQ1'1$l d18trlcts would exolude aDY part of the C1t7 <br />o:rSt. Paul. Ii ' , <br />~ ' , ',', ' <br />Passed by the Pounollot Arden,HlllB tb1e 22nd day Of FebVUel'l. 1900. <br />" ' , , <br />.' <br /> <br />. <br />, <br /> <br />,I' <br /> <br />, D.. Ii'. !\.3fj nedy.i'1l8yor <br /> <br />Attest, <br /> <br />, I' <br />Lor1'81n8 Stl'~U18t <br />lldil!1nlstl'nt1vei:Clol'k, . <br /> <br />I, Lorralne 8ttomqll18t~' Adrnin18ttativeClorkot the' Village ot <br />Arden HUlB. dO hereby Oel't1tythab the abovll iDB true and <br />exact copy of the Rosolution DS pSflsed by the CounOil 01' the <br />V111ae;e of ArdllD HUls a,t a l'egl1lar Counoil. meet1t'1g on l"ebrtllU'Y <br />22, 19lJ5. ' <br /> <br />LOl'rn1ne Stronqu1st <br />Administrative Clerk <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />., <br />I, <br />if <br />" <br />~ir <br />ii <br /> <br />_'~',~", ", <br /> <br />"i':.. <br />~ :.;' ... <br /> <br />.," ..".. <br />