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The boundaries of the Districts as es- from height limitations except that the <br />tablished by this Ordinance are as shown (required setback from any residential <br />on the map accompanying and made lot shall be at least'equal to the height, <br />part of this Ordinance which is desig- and the distance between any two prin- <br />nated as the Zoning District Map, whic*q cipal buildings must be no less than one - <br />map is hereby approved and filed with half (1/2) the sum of the heights of the <br />the Village Clerk. The district boundary two structures, except that any structure <br />lines on said map are intended to fo!I'mv exceeding 45 feet in height shall require <br />street right-of-way lines, street center- a special use permit. <br />lines, or lot lines unless such boundary 6. Shopping Centers <br />line is otherwise indicated on the map Any new structures in a Retail Busi- <br />In the case of unsubdivided property or ness District must be shown to fit into <br />in any case where street or lot lines are an overall plan for the shopping center. <br />not used as boundaries, the districtBefore any new area is zoned into Retail <br />boundary lines shall be determined by I Business, the following conditions must <br />use of dimensions or the scale appeasing 'be met. <br />on the map.— - -- C. Minimum Requirements <br />R-1 <br />Lot Area per Dwelling <br />Unit <br />(square feet) <br />1-family structures ______ 14,000 11 <br />2-family structures ______ 8.000 6 <br />3-family structures ______ _____ _ <br />Apartment buildings <br />with 4 families <br />and over: <br />Efficiency units 2,000 2 <br />1 bedroom units ____ 2,800 2 <br />2 or more bedroom units 3,500 3 <br />Ground Floor area per <br />Dwelling Unit <br />(square feet) <br />1-family structures: <br />(1 story) 1,000 1 <br />(1'h or 2 story) _ _ 865 <br />Floor Area per Apt. Unit <br />2-family structures 665 <br />3 or more family structures: <br />Efficiency units ________ 500 <br />1 bedroom units ______ 600 <br />°2 bedroom units _ ____ 750 <br />Non-residential lot area <br />(square feet) ____________ 14.000 14, <br />Non-residential floor area <br />(square feet) —_--__,__ --_-- -- <br />Lot width: <br />(footage at front <br />setback line) _ 95 <br />Lot Depth: (feet) ___ 130 <br />Front Yard Setback: (feet) 40 <br />Side Yard Setback: (feet) <br />From street in case <br />of corner lot _________ 20 <br />Residential garage <br />(attached or detached) <br />from adjacent lot _____ 10 <br />Other ____ _ __ ______ l0*. <br />Rear Yard Setback (feet) 30 <br />Height <br />(ft... max. permitted) ____ 35 <br />Max. Lot Area to be <br />covered with Buildings 25% <br />* Each additional bedroom requires <br />" Aggregate of 25 feet. <br />D. Exceptions and Additions to Minimum <br />Requirements <br />1. Front Setbacks <br />Where adjoining structures existing at <br />the time of adoption of this Ordinance <br />have a different setback from that re- <br />quircd herein, the front setback of a new <br />structure shall conform to the prevailing <br />setback in the immediate vicinity. The <br />Planning Commission shall determine <br />the necessary front yard setback in such <br />cases subject to approval by the Village <br />Council. However, in no case shall a <br />building be required to set back more <br />than 60 feet, except where an industrial <br />district is adjacent to a residential dis- <br />trict. <br />2. Side and Rear Setbacks <br />Subject to regulations contained in the <br />Building Code and other applicable reg- <br />ulations, buildings may be exempted <br />from side and rear setback requirements <br />provided party walls are used and if the <br />adjacent buildings are constructed as an <br />integral unit. Such exemption from <br />side and rear setbacks shall be permitted <br />only after issuance of a special use per- <br />mit except where such setbacks are part <br />of an approved shopping center, town <br />house development, and other similar <br />development. <br />3. Setbacks Adjacent to Residential <br />Areas <br />Where a business district is adjacent <br />to a residential district, the minimum <br />building setback, within the business dis- <br />trict from the residential lot line shall <br />be thirty-five (35) feet. In the case of <br />industrial districts adjacent to a resi- <br />dential district, such minimum setback <br />within the industrial district shall be <br />seventy-five (75) feet. <br />4. Setbacks Along Thoroughfares <br />Along streets designated as "thorough- <br />fare" in the Village Plan, the minimum <br />front setback for single family residence <br />shall be forty (40) feet from the plan- <br />ned rignt-of-way line. <br />5. Height <br />In residential districts, multiple dwell- <br />ings and places of public assembly, such <br />as churches and schools, are exempt <br />Zoning Districts <br />R-2 R-B L-B G-B L-I <br />.000 ----- ----- ----- <br />,000 _____ 6,000 _____ <br />____ ----- 5,000 <br />,000 1,500 _____ <br />,800 2,000 ----- _____ <br />,500 ----- 2,500 ----- ----- <br />,000 _____ 1,000 _____ <br />865 __--- 865 ----- __--- <br />865 ----- ----- ----- ----- <br />500 ----- 500 ----- ----- <br />600 _____ 600 _____ ----- <br />750 ----- 750 ----- ----- <br />000 _____ 6,500 _____ 24,000 <br />1,000 _____ 5,000 <br />85 ___ 100 _____ 100 <br />LSO ____ ISO ___ _ 150 <br />40 50 50 60 50 <br />20 20 <br />10 ----- <br />10* 10 <br />30 20 <br />25% 25% 35% 40% 4 <br />250 sq. ft. additional minimum floor space. <br />0% <br />a. The area will be located adjacent <br />to a thoroughfare or collector street as <br />shown on the Village Plan or as indi- <br />cated as a potential shopping center site <br />on such Plan. <br />b. Submission of a plot plan showing <br />size and location of structures, parking, <br />driveways, landscaping, and 'screening. <br />c. Demonstration that the developers <br />are financially able to carry out the pro- <br />ject and that they will begin construc- <br />tion within 18 months after Council ac- <br />tion on the proposal and will substant- <br />ially complete the project within five <br />years; if said construction has not begun <br />within 18 months, or if the project is <br />not 50% completed within five years, any <br />further development of any type shall <br />require a special' use permit and the <br />Planning Commission may move to in- <br />itiate a rezoning back to that in effect <br />prior to R-B zoning. <br />d. The area zoned shall include at least <br />two (2) acres, although there is no min- <br />imum lot size for individual- businesses <br />located within a Retail Business Dis- <br />trict. <br />:. Planned Developments <br />Planned developments shall include all <br />developments having two (2) or more <br />principal uses or structures on a single <br />parcel of land and shall include town <br />houses, apartment projects involving <br />more than one building, residential sub- <br />division submitted under "density zon- <br />ing" provisions, multi -use structuressuch <br />as an apartment building with retail at <br />ground floor level, and similar projects. <br />Such developments may be exempted <br />from certain requirements of this ord- <br />inance providing: <br />a. A complete detailed plan is submit- <br />ted to the Planning Commission, show- <br />ing the location of all proposed struc- <br />tures, driveways, landscaping, parking, <br />screening, sidewalks, access drives, land <br />uses, and such other information as may <br />be requested. <br />b. The Council, upon review and rec- <br />ommendations of the Planning Commis- <br />sion, shall find that the proposed devel- <br />opment is fully consistent with the pur <br />poses of this Ordinance and in conform. <br />ity to the Village Plan. <br />c. The development shall conform tc <br />the plan as filed with the Village. <br />d. A Special Use Permit is granted. <br />8. Town Houses <br />Town houses are attached dwelling un- <br />its each with a separate entrance tc <br />front and rear yards. Town houses may <br />be permitted in any residential district <br />following issuance of a special use per- <br />mit, provided that each dwelling unit <br />has at least 4,000 square feet of lot area <br />(private or shared in common with ad- <br />jacent units). <br />9. Density Zoning <br />Single family homes may be exempted <br />from lot area and setback requirements <br />provided a special use permit is issued <br />under terms of the "planned develop- <br />ment" provisions of this ordinance. <br />Density zoning shall be interpreted to <br />mean the permission of lower density <br />(lot area) standards under conditions <br />whereby the number of dwelling units <br />permitted is not greater than permitted <br />by the application of the regular pro- <br />vision of the District but with all land <br />excluded from the lot area requirements <br />added onto public open space (park, <br />playground, school site, walkway, or <br />other approved open green space). <br />10. Fences <br />Fences shall be permitted in all yards <br />subject to the following: <br />a. Solid walls in excess of 42 inches <br />in height shall be prohibited. <br />b. Fences in excess of 30 inches in <br />height extending across front yards <br />shall require a special use permit. <br />c. Fences shall be at least 30q open <br />(space for the passage of air and/or <br />light). <br />d. Fences within Required Yards shall <br />not exceed six feet in height except by <br />special use permit. <br />e. No fence shall have barbs or spikes <br />at any point less than six feet above <br />ground, except where used for agricul- <br />tural purposes. <br />f. Fences may be placed along prop- <br />erty lines provided no damage of any <br />kind results to abutting property. <br />g. Prior to issuance of a building per- <br />mit for any fence abutting property <br />owners shall be notified by the Adminis- <br />trative Clerk. <br />h. That side of the fence considered <br />to be the face (facing as applied to fence <br />posts) shall face abutting property. <br />i. Fences exceeding above height lim- <br />its may be erected provided they do not <br />encroach upon front or side -yard re- <br />quirements or within 10 feet of a rear <br />lot line. No fence shall exceed the height <br />of the principal structure. <br />11. Access Drives <br />Access drives may be placed adjacent <br />to property lines except that drives con- <br />sisting of crushed rock or other non - <br />finished surfacing shall be no closer than <br />one (1) foot to any side or rear lot line. <br />No access drive shall be closer than three <br />(3) feet to any single or two family res- <br />idence nor closer than five (5) feet to <br />any multi -family building. <br />12. Mining <br />The extraction of sand, gravel, or <br />other material from the land in the <br />amount of four hundred (400) cubic <br />yards or more and removal thereof from <br />the site without processing is defined as <br />mining. In all districts the conduct of <br />mining shall be pemitted only upon is- <br />suance of a special use permit. Such per- <br />mit shall include, as a condition there- <br />of, a plan for a finished grade which <br />.will not adversely affect the surrounding <br />land or the development of the site on <br />which the mining is being conducted, and <br />the route of trucks moving to and from <br />the sites. <br />13. Soil Processing <br />Processing sand, gravel, or other ma- <br />terial mined from the land shall be per- <br />mitted only by special use permit for a <br />specified period. Such special use permit <br />shall include a site plan showing where <br />the processing is to be done, the location <br />of the plant, disposal of water, and route <br />of trucks moving to and from the site in <br />removing processed material from the <br />site. <br />14. Bulk Storage (Liquid) <br />All uses associated with the bull: stor- <br />age of oil, gasoline, liquid fertilizer, <br />che:_.icals, and similar liquids or gas <br />shall require a special use permit in or- <br />der that the Village Council may have <br />assurance that fire, explosion, or water <br />contamination hazards are not present <br />that would be detrimental to the public <br />health, safety, and general welfare. <br />All existing, above ground liquid or <br />gas storage tanks having a capacity in <br />excess of two hundred (200) gallons <br />shall require a special use permit within <br />twelve (12) months following enactment) <br />of this Ordinance. The Council may re- <br />quire the development of dyking around <br />said tanks, suitably sealed, to hold a <br />leakage capacity equal to one hundred <br />fifteen (115) percent of the tank capac- <br />ity. Any existing storage tank that, in <br />the. opinion of the Council, constitutes, a <br />hazard to the public safety, shall dis- <br />continue operation. <br />All bulk storage tanks shall be con- <br />sidered as temporary structures and shall <br />conform to all set -back requirements. <br />Such tanks shall be screened from the <br />public view. <br />15. Zoning and the Village Comprehen- <br />sive Plan <br />Any change in zoning granted by the <br />Village Council shall automatically <br />amend the Comprehensive Plan in ac- <br />cordance with said zoning change. <br />16. Apartments <br />In recommending the granting of spec- <br />ial use permits for structures containing <br />two or more dwelling units, the Village <br />Council shall find that the proposed de- <br />velopment plan is in substantial compli- <br />ance with the apartment policy state- <br />ments on file with the Planning Com- <br />mission and approved by the Council. <br />17. Service Stations <br />A drainage system subject to approv- <br />al by the Village Engineer shall be in- <br />stalled. A box curb not less than six (6) <br />inches above grade shall separate the <br />public right-of-way from the motor ve- <br />hicle service areas, except at approved <br />entrances and exists. No driveway at a <br />property line shall be less than twenty <br />(20) feet from the intersection of two <br />treet right-of-way lines. No vehicles shall <br />be parked on the premises other than <br />those utilized by employees or awaiting <br />service. All areas utilized for the stor- <br />age, disposal, or burning of trash, de- <br />bris, discarded parts, and similar items <br />shall be fully screened. <br />Exterior storage shall be limited to <br />vehicles of employees, vehicles awaiting <br />service, service equipment and items of- <br />fered for sale on pump island; all other <br />exterior storage shall be limited to items <br />offered for sale provided they are within <br />yard requirements and are located in <br />containers such as tire racks, metal <br />trays, and similar structures designed <br />to display merchandise. The entire site <br />other than that taken up by a structure <br />or planting shall be surfaced with as- <br />phalt, concrete, or other material ap- <br />proved by the Village Council. <br />All structures and grounds shall be <br />maintained in a neat, orderly, clean, and <br />safe manner. <br />18. Exterior Storage <br />In all districts the Village Council may <br />order the owner of any property to ap- <br />ply for a special use permit to conduct <br />an open storage use, including existing <br />uses, provided the existing or proposed <br />use constitutes a threat to the public <br />health, safety, convenience, morals, or <br />general welfare. <br />19. Prohibited Uses <br />The following uses shall not be per- <br />mitted within the Village of Arden <br />Hills: junk yards, used car open sales <br />lot, heavy industry auto wrecking yard, <br />mobile home park, truck terminal, open <br />sales lot, and exterior storage other <br />than permitted accessory use. <br />20. Lake Frontage Lots <br />All lots having frontage on a body of <br />watermust be maintained in accordance <br />with the following requirements: <br />a. No principal building shall be lo- <br />cated within forty (40) feet of the high <br />waterline; at least 75% of the forty foot <br />depth must be landscaped, but landscap- <br />ed area includes beach area. <br />b. Waterfront uses shall be maintained <br />in a safe, orderly and efficient manner, <br />and the waterfront area shall .present a <br />neat and not unsightly appearance from <br />the water. The Village Council may re- <br />quire lakesbore lot owners to secure a <br />special use permit if deemed necessary by <br />the Council to protect lake frontage <br />areas from adverse conditions affecting <br />the public. For the purpose of this pro- <br />vision "adverse conditions" shall be in- <br />terpreted to be utilization of more than <br />10% of the shoreline for docks or other <br />accessory structures, grading or other. <br />wise removing natural cover from the <br />lake front area, or accumulation on the <br />lake front area of debris, the creation or <br />maintenance thereon of safety hazards, <br />cut or fill which change the shoreline, <br />maintenance of health hazards thereon, <br />and similar conditions. <br />c. Accessory buildings shall be located <br />above the high waterline. <br />d. To the extent feasible and practic- <br />able lake shorelines shall be maintained <br />so as to present a natural or landscaped <br />appearance. <br />21. Areas Without Sanitary Sewer <br />In areas without public sanitary sew- <br />er single and two-family homes shall <br />have a minimum lot area of one (1) <br />acre, but the Council may permit small- <br />85 ___ 100 _____ 100 <br />LSO ____ ISO ___ _ 150 <br />40 50 50 60 50 <br />20 20 <br />10 ----- <br />10* 10 <br />30 20 <br />25% 25% 35% 40% 4 <br />250 sq. ft. additional minimum floor space. <br />0% <br />a. The area will be located adjacent <br />to a thoroughfare or collector street as <br />shown on the Village Plan or as indi- <br />cated as a potential shopping center site <br />on such Plan. <br />b. Submission of a plot plan showing <br />size and location of structures, parking, <br />driveways, landscaping, and 'screening. <br />c. Demonstration that the developers <br />are financially able to carry out the pro- <br />ject and that they will begin construc- <br />tion within 18 months after Council ac- <br />tion on the proposal and will substant- <br />ially complete the project within five <br />years; if said construction has not begun <br />within 18 months, or if the project is <br />not 50% completed within five years, any <br />further development of any type shall <br />require a special' use permit and the <br />Planning Commission may move to in- <br />itiate a rezoning back to that in effect <br />prior to R-B zoning. <br />d. The area zoned shall include at least <br />two (2) acres, although there is no min- <br />imum lot size for individual- businesses <br />located within a Retail Business Dis- <br />trict. <br />:. Planned Developments <br />Planned developments shall include all <br />developments having two (2) or more <br />principal uses or structures on a single <br />parcel of land and shall include town <br />houses, apartment projects involving <br />more than one building, residential sub- <br />division submitted under "density zon- <br />ing" provisions, multi -use structuressuch <br />as an apartment building with retail at <br />ground floor level, and similar projects. <br />Such developments may be exempted <br />from certain requirements of this ord- <br />inance providing: <br />a. A complete detailed plan is submit- <br />ted to the Planning Commission, show- <br />ing the location of all proposed struc- <br />tures, driveways, landscaping, parking, <br />screening, sidewalks, access drives, land <br />uses, and such other information as may <br />be requested. <br />b. The Council, upon review and rec- <br />ommendations of the Planning Commis- <br />sion, shall find that the proposed devel- <br />opment is fully consistent with the pur <br />poses of this Ordinance and in conform. <br />ity to the Village Plan. <br />c. The development shall conform tc <br />the plan as filed with the Village. <br />d. A Special Use Permit is granted. <br />8. Town Houses <br />Town houses are attached dwelling un- <br />its each with a separate entrance tc <br />front and rear yards. Town houses may <br />be permitted in any residential district <br />following issuance of a special use per- <br />mit, provided that each dwelling unit <br />has at least 4,000 square feet of lot area <br />(private or shared in common with ad- <br />jacent units). <br />9. Density Zoning <br />Single family homes may be exempted <br />from lot area and setback requirements <br />provided a special use permit is issued <br />under terms of the "planned develop- <br />ment" provisions of this ordinance. <br />Density zoning shall be interpreted to <br />mean the permission of lower density <br />(lot area) standards under conditions <br />whereby the number of dwelling units <br />permitted is not greater than permitted <br />by the application of the regular pro- <br />vision of the District but with all land <br />excluded from the lot area requirements <br />added onto public open space (park, <br />playground, school site, walkway, or <br />other approved open green space). <br />10. Fences <br />Fences shall be permitted in all yards <br />subject to the following: <br />a. Solid walls in excess of 42 inches <br />in height shall be prohibited. <br />b. Fences in excess of 30 inches in <br />height extending across front yards <br />shall require a special use permit. <br />c. Fences shall be at least 30q open <br />(space for the passage of air and/or <br />light). <br />d. Fences within Required Yards shall <br />not exceed six feet in height except by <br />special use permit. <br />e. No fence shall have barbs or spikes <br />at any point less than six feet above <br />ground, except where used for agricul- <br />tural purposes. <br />f. Fences may be placed along prop- <br />erty lines provided no damage of any <br />kind results to abutting property. <br />g. Prior to issuance of a building per- <br />mit for any fence abutting property <br />owners shall be notified by the Adminis- <br />trative Clerk. <br />h. That side of the fence considered <br />to be the face (facing as applied to fence <br />posts) shall face abutting property. <br />i. Fences exceeding above height lim- <br />its may be erected provided they do not <br />encroach upon front or side -yard re- <br />quirements or within 10 feet of a rear <br />lot line. No fence shall exceed the height <br />of the principal structure. <br />11. Access Drives <br />Access drives may be placed adjacent <br />to property lines except that drives con- <br />sisting of crushed rock or other non - <br />finished surfacing shall be no closer than <br />one (1) foot to any side or rear lot line. <br />No access drive shall be closer than three <br />(3) feet to any single or two family res- <br />idence nor closer than five (5) feet to <br />any multi -family building. <br />12. Mining <br />The extraction of sand, gravel, or <br />other material from the land in the <br />amount of four hundred (400) cubic <br />yards or more and removal thereof from <br />the site without processing is defined as <br />mining. In all districts the conduct of <br />mining shall be pemitted only upon is- <br />suance of a special use permit. Such per- <br />mit shall include, as a condition there- <br />of, a plan for a finished grade which <br />.will not adversely affect the surrounding <br />land or the development of the site on <br />which the mining is being conducted, and <br />the route of trucks moving to and from <br />the sites. <br />13. Soil Processing <br />Processing sand, gravel, or other ma- <br />terial mined from the land shall be per- <br />mitted only by special use permit for a <br />specified period. Such special use permit <br />shall include a site plan showing where <br />the processing is to be done, the location <br />of the plant, disposal of water, and route <br />of trucks moving to and from the site in <br />removing processed material from the <br />site. <br />14. Bulk Storage (Liquid) <br />All uses associated with the bull: stor- <br />age of oil, gasoline, liquid fertilizer, <br />che:_.icals, and similar liquids or gas <br />shall require a special use permit in or- <br />der that the Village Council may have <br />assurance that fire, explosion, or water <br />contamination hazards are not present <br />that would be detrimental to the public <br />health, safety, and general welfare. <br />All existing, above ground liquid or <br />gas storage tanks having a capacity in <br />excess of two hundred (200) gallons <br />shall require a special use permit within <br />twelve (12) months following enactment) <br />of this Ordinance. The Council may re- <br />quire the development of dyking around <br />said tanks, suitably sealed, to hold a <br />leakage capacity equal to one hundred <br />fifteen (115) percent of the tank capac- <br />ity. Any existing storage tank that, in <br />the. opinion of the Council, constitutes, a <br />hazard to the public safety, shall dis- <br />continue operation. <br />All bulk storage tanks shall be con- <br />sidered as temporary structures and shall <br />conform to all set -back requirements. <br />Such tanks shall be screened from the <br />public view. <br />15. Zoning and the Village Comprehen- <br />sive Plan <br />Any change in zoning granted by the <br />Village Council shall automatically <br />amend the Comprehensive Plan in ac- <br />cordance with said zoning change. <br />16. Apartments <br />In recommending the granting of spec- <br />ial use permits for structures containing <br />two or more dwelling units, the Village <br />Council shall find that the proposed de- <br />velopment plan is in substantial compli- <br />ance with the apartment policy state- <br />ments on file with the Planning Com- <br />mission and approved by the Council. <br />17. Service Stations <br />A drainage system subject to approv- <br />al by the Village Engineer shall be in- <br />stalled. A box curb not less than six (6) <br />inches above grade shall separate the <br />public right-of-way from the motor ve- <br />hicle service areas, except at approved <br />entrances and exists. No driveway at a <br />property line shall be less than twenty <br />(20) feet from the intersection of two <br />treet right-of-way lines. No vehicles shall <br />be parked on the premises other than <br />those utilized by employees or awaiting <br />service. All areas utilized for the stor- <br />age, disposal, or burning of trash, de- <br />bris, discarded parts, and similar items <br />shall be fully screened. <br />Exterior storage shall be limited to <br />vehicles of employees, vehicles awaiting <br />service, service equipment and items of- <br />fered for sale on pump island; all other <br />exterior storage shall be limited to items <br />offered for sale provided they are within <br />yard requirements and are located in <br />containers such as tire racks, metal <br />trays, and similar structures designed <br />to display merchandise. The entire site <br />other than that taken up by a structure <br />or planting shall be surfaced with as- <br />phalt, concrete, or other material ap- <br />proved by the Village Council. <br />All structures and grounds shall be <br />maintained in a neat, orderly, clean, and <br />safe manner. <br />18. Exterior Storage <br />In all districts the Village Council may <br />order the owner of any property to ap- <br />ply for a special use permit to conduct <br />an open storage use, including existing <br />uses, provided the existing or proposed <br />use constitutes a threat to the public <br />health, safety, convenience, morals, or <br />general welfare. <br />19. Prohibited Uses <br />The following uses shall not be per- <br />mitted within the Village of Arden <br />Hills: junk yards, used car open sales <br />lot, heavy industry auto wrecking yard, <br />mobile home park, truck terminal, open <br />sales lot, and exterior storage other <br />than permitted accessory use. <br />20. Lake Frontage Lots <br />All lots having frontage on a body of <br />watermust be maintained in accordance <br />with the following requirements: <br />a. No principal building shall be lo- <br />cated within forty (40) feet of the high <br />waterline; at least 75% of the forty foot <br />depth must be landscaped, but landscap- <br />ed area includes beach area. <br />b. Waterfront uses shall be maintained <br />in a safe, orderly and efficient manner, <br />and the waterfront area shall .present a <br />neat and not unsightly appearance from <br />the water. The Village Council may re- <br />quire lakesbore lot owners to secure a <br />special use permit if deemed necessary by <br />the Council to protect lake frontage <br />areas from adverse conditions affecting <br />the public. For the purpose of this pro- <br />vision "adverse conditions" shall be in- <br />terpreted to be utilization of more than <br />10% of the shoreline for docks or other <br />accessory structures, grading or other. <br />wise removing natural cover from the <br />lake front area, or accumulation on the <br />lake front area of debris, the creation or <br />maintenance thereon of safety hazards, <br />cut or fill which change the shoreline, <br />maintenance of health hazards thereon, <br />and similar conditions. <br />c. Accessory buildings shall be located <br />above the high waterline. <br />d. To the extent feasible and practic- <br />able lake shorelines shall be maintained <br />so as to present a natural or landscaped <br />appearance. <br />21. Areas Without Sanitary Sewer <br />In areas without public sanitary sew- <br />er single and two-family homes shall <br />have a minimum lot area of one (1) <br />acre, but the Council may permit small- <br />