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<br /> 4- . <br /> . <br /> . ~ <br /> , <br /> Page 4 Minutes ot the Special Council M~6ting Novemba:.- 15.. 1962 <br /> , <br /> Ri~ewood Co~t Cul-ae~sac ~ Petition for Vacation <br /> Le er dated October 29, 1992 from Attorney Sa11and requesting . <br /> a public hearing date be ~6t concerning the aboveQ Attaohed <br /> to said letter was the p"l1SUon signed by the adiaoent and <br /> abutting property owners and a notice of the pub io he~ring <br /> tor publ1ca\i1ono . <br /> T1'WItee Kennedy moved that December 3, 1962, be set as the date <br /> of the public hearing, seoonded by Trustee Olmeno Motion Carried. <br /> Police Off1cer Te~1nation <br /> Trustee crepeau moveo that the termination of Kenneth La Rook.. <br /> Police Offioer,be effective as of July 31, 1962; seconded by <br /> . Trustee Kennedy, motion oarriedo Clerk requested to so 1nfo~ <br /> P"EoReAo <br /> Claims - Easement Checks <br /> Letters dr,~ed November 6, 1962, fro~ Attorneys Courtney and <br /> Salland requesting easement checks be made out to oOVGr the <br /> following: Easements numbered 2003, 2008, 2020, 2023, 20299 <br /> 2034, 2036 and 203G (to be listed on regular monthly disb~se~ <br /> ment sheet).. <br /> Trustee Olmen moved the appl'ova1 of the above mant10ned alalmll!> <br /> . seconded bYTl'Ustee C~epeau, motion carriedo <br /> Resolution ~ Duties of Polloe Officers <br /> T1'Ustee crape au moved the 8aopt10nor a 1'8s01ut10n as attached <br /> detailinc the duties of polioe offioers. seconded by Trustee <br /> Kennedy, motion carried" <br /> T1'8JIim Easement ~ //2006 <br /> Letter dated ~lOveml)er 8, 1962, frora t, ttoriley Salland recom~ <br /> mending the exctl..ange of the VillaGe lowerinc an elevated man~ <br /> hole on the Tramm prop~rty located at 3248 New Bl'ighton Road <br /> for a Villaee EBsemento The Council did not agree and referred <br /> the matter to T~'ustee Olmen to oonfer with Mro Tr&mm. Clel'k <br /> requested to send oOPY of latter to Trustee Olmeno <br /> Stowe Avenue Condemnation ~ Final <br /> Letter outed ftovember 9, 19u2, from Attorney Salland, stating <br /> that final pa~ent has lIeen made and the Stowe Avenue oondem;" <br /> nation has been completed. <br /> Annual Village Election Boazod <br /> On wotion by Trustee Kennedllaseoonded by Crepeau, motion oarr1ed <br /> to appoint the following Vi ge ~leot10n Board: <br /> Preoinot #1 P~8~inot //2 <br /> Hope Bendel-son, Chrmn lArs" Walter Mack, Chrmn <br /> EJa1De Richter Eleanore Gilbertson <br /> Dett1 Kostobl'yz Eleanore Anderson <br /> Jackie Simpson Mrs. Timothy 0 I Connor <br /> Meeting edjo~ned at 10:10 p.m. <br /> . <br />