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<br />, ~~. ,:.~.;;.J, '.,l*~1i 1;' .-:;."'.J.~'".'y,.,.."" Ii,:; <br />. " " ';.: ., _,-," . '::" '_"1 , :,',,_::>.: - ~ I' ,..-ro., ,. ' : <br /> <br />F!6~!i1 2f)~3. C4':'$?JiL ' <br />'C_,:!.":" <br /> <br />Ii ,.., ..' ...., ..... .,. ... ., '. .,....... .... , <br />WHERE!\;$,~he term "sa 10. plans a \Jd sp(3c.lal. pro,yisi6I1s"/?ls', <br />11_"" - , <br />.< '-' . .-'. , . , . .', ". ... -'.. ',':. '." ,.",.'.-:, .-. . ',' - <br />heteinafter!IUsed ip'the..b<idy.of. th:i.s:res o}utibn .:;I11a11'b e,deerded <br />',>, '. ::', . ",:. ,"', '. '-.- , ' .' . -'.' '. ." ..' - . .", <br /> <br />andiqtehde!~tOniean ~ refer to.' a.nd inCorporl3,.tetheplan,s <br />" ': Ii:::".. ->. ' . -. ': , ,":-" <br />.~pee 1.;:1 Pl'o:~laibns. in t1l6 . foreeoing repital,a P8 r'ticu;L$.r1y <br />I',,'.'. <br />~nd,descl:iih!ed. .;. <br /> <br />"...' , - . l!"',.. _' .', "-'. '::.' "_, '-'., . " . _,' " <br />'NOW, T~BE ITR$;SOLWD .t\'lateaid plans and specialpJ;ovi- . <br />'. . ' _:. _ .:;,,,A,:~;':,:.-,:_;.~ '-;;. ,~-~ . .. c_"" .,_'_ ..,'.'::r. ,,':"<-"'.";,-'" _,' - .' .' ,,_ --',' . " <br />; . . .~l~bsforit~E\~mp~ov~~eq~ !~fTrUI11(l.Iig~\~~Y>~~bet393~enumbered ' <br /> <br />as Trunk HighwaYNuraber~~.!within.tJJ.B,l~mna.of the VE:J.age-.:of <br />._ ,_' ,:., ',: _ ~ _:':-",:: :':",: ..,' ,~'': !.;;,c_ ': ;}~ -", -:'_. _:.- , :""J,'-:". ~.:_<~ '-,,'\,-', ' .. c' "'-" r -'. -" - ',~ " : <br />Ardenliiils be and hereby are/?pprovad. .~, <br />. ~~~ -:--,~~-:--.~t-,.... :. ',_" : . _ '-,"'. ',' , " ....' . .:, """"" . _ ' ,~,<:~t <br />eBE IT. hJRTR:EE,HESOLVED;tni:!t: tneeJ,ieV13.ltiorisa'nd grades as akd, wb'~i;' <br />. .... _"-:'j},, .:,~','.'~~ ':~"_":___", _ '::', ,:' -__'.~.-," ~>~_'" :":~'i',_-'(:')-':':(::''-'::'',_:",;,' ''', '. ;..;' , ". ,,_ .." .c_", <br />insal d pla~san dspecial'provi&~6n.s1:ie ao;d.they a l'e hereby approved , <br />- .' :. , - ; - -, :' ::. .- .':' - ':' , ' ~ ~: ' --:', . -' ,-,', , " '-':-. ' , ,-- ' - .: -' . :,:' , '.' - "':, "-"'" ' -, <br />'and, consent:i~here)iYe':l.yeh .,tiO arrY:l'-ihd:all 6hanresine;rade OC()aSiOl;led <br /> <br />.. _ _ _ '. ,'. .. . _ I: ". .' . . _". '.. '.. ..'. _ '. .:" -. . ". . '.. _,: . .~.':' . . ' <br />. by. thi9cOns~tuctiobofs~idTru kJIighweyNumber 593 rent;IllbeI'eda.s.. <br />.' 11; '.,-- "., ,.-".. .-,-- .~-.. " <br />.. . , ' . . -" <br />Trunkl).ighvlFY Nuillber 694. witb,~a,iclPlan1L al1dsp~c ial <br />proVisions.: <br />, . ..;. 'UP9ntheca)tl'.of the roll thel'olJ;ow!ngCouncilmemQe!'s voted in <br />~_ "; -,,' -' 'i!", , '. '-.' _--~-''''-'~--.-. ---- " <br /> <br />'favot>o:ttheResQlutiol:1.: AShbach.Grewsu. KenrJedY~01inen. Stromquist. <br />, :" ." .,~---:-~--- __ '~'.---'>:-7'----'""-'--------:"'--7,:<':--~:--"-=-----;--'---~-~'. <br /> <br />The i'ollbwiPg ... voted agaim,ltitsli\doptlon: None.' ,.whereupon <br />, . '.. --~----. ' " '-". . ---~..-._~~-' , <br /> <br />the. Mayor and pr'bsidin~ officer deolaredthe Resol\-ttiol;l adopted. <br />~.' - " -- 'II.', "'. " . <br />"_' ..,.,.' _, :1". .,.. <br />Date.dQctooer8,'1962 '. <br />. _.' _---.-:-..-,....-".-.--,...,....--.,--..- _-_,---:r "'_ :""'_ .,. <br />" . if. js/Rbbert' 0.)\,8h'oaoh . .... <br />. .. ;~ .. " ~ ~MB.yor -,.. ~,~-C -- ~-r .".-c <br />" <br />:: .., 'AtteetjalLorreine E. Stromquist <br />Ii' .... ---~ 'Vln!ige~'Clel'l<" .. <br />..,jl"_ _-,.,_-.,....--c-------'~ <br /> <br />$TATEOF" MINNEsoh . ) "., <br />COUNTYQf RAMSEY:" . ) ss. . '. ' <br />.. .. .. '. ---,-'-:--c,) . <br />... VltI1l:GE' 0:< ARDEN:'HILLS), , <br />--:--~-_.", ,"~-:-r-~' ,J,' '.-' .,' _ '_', '. <br />I d:ohere1;J;certHy ..tha t at a regularUl~eting of. the Village . council <br />;'; (Ji: Ard'ElnIfills. Uinnesota,ontheBday .... ..,. . <br />,;' . rat;ijor"iU'jT:ortnCiL jhambersOjsaidGO\.tnC-n~vTere~:pfesent. the. :E.oregoing resolu,..: <br /> <br />,. ~iO:e:$uSndae~o~;~ndand seal this 9' d~J1bf:Oo_t.ober.c19~gL . '.~.;; ., <br />\ :' ~ . ' '.- <br />,'. ,r, /s/. L{)!'l'a1-ne ~__St.!'9P19.~~t <br />" ;".r< .;;\ .:',;:. ..<:j' "':1; '. ,(.,.,,',;'...... ..;~,;~...,;~L!,~B~4?ler'K: . ~",- _ .".'". . <br />l ,'''.. .', ' .," , .'." ~."'" ,i;,;." "..... . ,.. _..,,, . I. '., ,.";,,,. ,. . .., ~.,.. ....."'., ...,-,....,.. .".,.,'.. ,.,.. .,., ,. ".. _ ..,., ,,' .~_ l .~ <br />