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<br /> . . -~ <br /> , <br /> Page 2 ~ Minutes ot Counoil Meeting ~ October 8. 1962 <br /> Ssnitar Sewer Im rovement #2 A ortionment <br /> pon mo on y Trus ee repeau, Secon e y Trustee Olman, a <br /> resolution relati~ to apportionment or assessments relating to <br /> Sewer Liprovement 2. as attaohed, Was approved - motion oarried.. <br /> Annexation or Land to New Brighton <br /> . A letter, dated Oot. 6, 1902, from S. A. Krannak was read whioh <br /> requested tllat some of his property in Shorewood .Hills #8 be <br /> annexed to New Brighton Vi&lage- matter tabled pending r~ther <br /> meetings between Arden B1118 and New Brighton officials" <br /> . <br /> Drainage Ditch", Shorewood Hills #2 <br /> A letter or Oct. 3. 19ba. trom ~niibeer Liebenow giving reoommend... <br /> ations" on drainage ditch to be fi ed bl: Mr. Gene Koblas between <br /> lots 12 & 13, BlOok 2, Shorewood HUls 2. was read ~ Clerk to <br /> inform !at. Kobles of requirements for filling the ditoh. <br /> T.B. 694-393~ T.H. 35E-390 bLight! S7stem . <br /> Upon motion y Trustee Olmen. seoonded 1:11 Trustee Crepeau, the <br /> resolution relating to the highway lighting syiltem WaS al.proved <br /> as attached ~ motion oarriedo <br /> Sewer Facilities '" 1300 Inr.erson Road <br /> Lellller, dated UOll. ~, J.~tl~, tl'om L. A. Hauser was read by the Clerk. <br /> upon motion by Trustee Kennedy, seconded by Trustee olmen, oounoil <br /> extended the time I1m1t fOl' conneotion to the Village sewer s7stam <br /> to Dec. 31, 1902, prov1l2ing items numbered 2,.3 and 4 of Dr. i.alsh's <br /> reoommendatioDs of Augo 1, 19u2. are taken care or immediately _ <br /> IIIOtion carried. <br /> Olerk' to so infol'lD Mr. Hauser. <br /> Re ed Sewer ConnectioDs ~ Sewer <br /> po l' quas . or ex ens on 0 e y 0 oses. 13ij Ridgewood <br /> Road, motton was made b7 Trustee Keoned7, seoQpdedby Trustee <br /> Olmen. that ::1'. Moses be .elven Until Deo, 31. 19b2, to make <br /> oonneotlOD to the village sanitary sewe~ system - motioD carried. <br /> Clerk requested by Co\1l)oi1 to wrlte aga'1n. to Geo. Boomer, 32til <br /> SnelI1J!g' A,enue Nor1;h, and Wm. Shefte1'./) 3.121 Ridgewood Road/) <br /> request1ng 1Illmediate hook up to sewsr s;rsteml' <br /> Mee~~ng on Transportation . <br /> Clerk read lette1'. dated bot. 2, 19b2, trom Diot Jones inviting <br /> the Oounoll to a meet!Dg OD l'utuJoe tl'ansportetion pl'oblems. <br /> Said meeting to be held Oot. 11, at New Brighton Hall at 0:00 PolIlo <br /> fa te1'SOD EaS8lllllDt ~ Ai'den HUls . '1 Plat <br /> , M01ilOD bJ' ~'1'WJ1iee urepeau, secon ea DJ' Trustee Kennedy, authorized <br /> . Village Attol'De7 to return part 01' easement to M1's. .ta terti on tr.Be-t; <br /> ~.,......., ~ ~s not.needed for aul~de-eac on RideewOOd Road as per Att70 <br /> Selland'. letter or Oct. 3, 19ti2 = motion carried.. <br /> sUbur~D Plok-l1p Se1'vlae . . . <br /> lTCl&l1lO a IISl101'lzeCl the OJ.erk to write a l'avol'able 1"eoo~endatioD <br /> to the O1t7 ot no~'blDst'lAle 1"egardlDg gal'bage and 1'Ubblsh haDUng <br /> 1n the village of Arden Hillao <br /> . . - <br /> 1963 hopoBed Budget . <br /> The pl'opoBea Duacet t.Ol' 1963 was discussed b7 the CounCil. Clerk: <br /> Lorraine StromqUist reported that the Finance Conmdttee recon~eDded <br /> a stud)' ~t 01U" sala1"7 system tor the 1'011ce Departl6.ent for proper <br /> procedure - referred to Trustee ore~pau and Clerk Lorraine Strom- <br /> qu1sto . - <br /> . <br /> . <br />