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<br />. <br /> <br />. J,.,.i!e 2 <br />6.- <br />, Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />September lO~ 19~2 <br /> <br />Legal Notice and Fubl~oat1on <br />C~e1'k . Lorl'aUle St1'Olllquls'ii reported that ~he Public Hea1'1ng. noUce <br />bad been pUblished as attached in the New Brighton Bu~let1n and all <br />adjoin1ng prope.ty owners had been notified of the heal'ing~ <br /> <br />The.follow1ng Al'den IUllspl'operty owns!'s spoke in favor of the <br />3;'ezO"nlnga <br /> <br />R1chal'db.eYEll'S" 1678 Venus Aven lell attyo for the Village 01' New <br />H1'lgl"uion ~. . . .' <br />So Jo Krannak 1761'Fel'owood Avenue, St. Paul, Minno <br />hex MCCloUn€!. 4370 No Snelling Avenue. inqui1'ed as to the availability <br />or sewer 1'ac111t188 to the siteo I;ayor Ashbach infol'm.ed him tbat <br />the Villaee Engineel' is' now comput1ng cost figures on thl'ee alternate <br />plans ~ .' .' . <br />GeOl'~e ReiI1D€. 2831 ~o Oxford St.. St. Paul, owner of adjacent <br />pl'oper"YIl spOke 11) 1'a VOl" ot the rezon ingo r.:r 0 Rail1nr, informed the <br />Council th~t tlte 11i the owner of a wa tel' supply Company which is now <br />serving an Brea in. Roseville and he would be interested in, suPpl:r~ <br />ins water to ContJool Data 8l'ld aport10n of the village" '. <br />JiIn Johnsong 4101 N,. Uamlir,1e Avem.le, inqui:1.'ed howth;l.s l'ezon1ng <br />wOUJ.O ar1ect; the sUl'round1ng area ~ Mayor Allhbach l'epJ.'1ed that <br />~he area cons1dered :for ruon.!r,rg 1t! boundtJd' by natural bouDila!'les <br />so it would not affecfl adj01nil1S p%'oper tyo ~.Kel'r stated that tha <br />l'ezonlng of tnis'propel't,r does not mean that the adjoining .would be <br />zoned industl'1alq <br />Chas. Nov01ohick.. 15U4 E~gewat'erll i1)qU1red as to . the sd4edcost to <br />tne 1'8s1dentis as to sewer. f1.t~e protection, etoo . Mayor Ashbach <br />stated tha t these costs were based on assessment bssill () . <br />M2:'s.. Iola.1'1on Cwrm1acs. 43u5 110 Lexinc:ton Ave., wife of .the fbst. <br />~yor ot: f.rdep and en ad301n1ag Pl'OpSl'ty ownerg apb!cfJ 1mJ <br />favor ot the l'ezoa1aso ..1 , <br /> <br />Trustees C~epeau9 Kennedy Bnd Olmen and Cler~ Lo%'raine Stromquist <br />each voiced b1s 191D101i lD favor of the rezoning and stated t~t <br />each had l'e.le1vol! OQlls favoring approval\> <br /> <br />Mayor Asbbaoh then inqUired if' anyone was opposed .to the rezoning = <br />no OPposition" <br /> <br />Truatee Kennedy moved tOl' adopt10n a resolution of 1ntentthat the <br />Council favorably consldel' the application ot 1'ezon1ngg but' that <br />the final aotiol1 CD the 8n11catd.on be deferred untl1the,Councll <br />lsgiven satisfaete~ pl'ooftha,t. Control Data has Cloncl4ded the <br />purchase for the use proposed by them; and that silnl1al'Conllidera~ <br />"tioll on the same bEisis be ghen the 10 acretraot eXCllptedfl'om ths <br />pendin~appl1oatioD 1n the event a l'azoningappllcat1on is sub~ " <br />m1ttEld on that 10 acre tract, motion seconded by Trustee Oz',epaa\! ~ <br />wotion 081'r1e4 una~~Qly~ <br /> <br />AttYD Ccul'tnay IiIta1;ed that no further public not~ces will bs .nllceSSall'Ya <br /> <br />Il1'. Hal'1'ia thanked the Counoil and the residen!;s for theirq.ec1s1ono <br /> <br />WI.l.~'O~? Ashbach Was excused at this tillJ.h Aot1a~ Mayor Orepeau <br />o";ucted the remalDC1el' oZ the meeting" <br /> <br />F:!.ag Donation <br />wayne 1)8 .!..<an("e and Jer%''1 Was.1Iewski, V.F.Wo Post 6889 of. Lake Johanas, <br />presented a new U.S. flag .to the Vlllageo Aoting'Mayor Crepeau. <br />expressed his r.ratltu~e aod.re4ueated the Clerk to write a ~~~ <br />you l€l"1;te1' ,from t;~e Oouno1J:. ' ' <br /> <br />Vl11a~e Attorney's Report <br />Street nnDl'OVementi Assessments <br />Atty. couxtney l'epo~tie~ ti~~ ~nlstel' Ens:neerlngCo. had lIen~ him <br />the ta~lat1on of costs to%' Street I,.prOV8lliaDt Pl'ol 3~ 4 ~~d P, <br />esti~ati~g the Z1ba1 008t 1n eaoh proJeot, excluding the costs faf <br />l'ights~ot~waY9 attOl'087 and eDcinsering tees aDd bonds during <br />con!lt1'UC tiOD. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />/ <br />...... <br />